Пособие содержит статьи социального характера из американской прессы. Статьи снабжены комментарием и системой упражнений, направленных на развитие разговорных навыков.
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A friend of mine told me this story several years ago and it's a true one. He said he bought a baby rabbit one spring and built a hutch for it out behind his house. At first, when the rabbit was little and cute, he spent a lot of time watching it, but after a while he would just toss the lettuce and carrots in the cage without really looking. One day, in the fall, a visitor caught sight of the rabbit and screamed, so for the first time in months, my friend came to look. The animal's two front teeth had grown into fangs, and curved out of its mouth like elephant tusks, to the point where they had begun to cut into the rabbit's own neck.
I still have dreams about that rabbit, and they’re more frightening than any my mind can construct about tigers or snakes. You expect those animals to be sinister and threatening, after all. No villain is more frightening than the one you had supposed to be your friend.
I saw a new movie last week in which a man tries to stab a 5-year-old boy to death and when he raised his knife over the boy’s throat, the audience cheered. This movie had to do with demonic possession, and once again the devil was personified by a child.
1. "Throwaway Marriages" - Threat to the American Family.
2. Permissiveness; "A Beautiful Idea" That Didn't Work?.
3. The Monster Children.
4. Violence in Schools. Now, A Crackdown.
5. The Dark Heart of America.
6. Collapse of the Father's Authority.
7. Sheepskins in Mothballs.
8. Last Hired, First Fired.
9. Why 65? The Case Against Mandatory Retirement.
10. The Rootles Americans - Signs of a Turnabout.
11. American Theater.
12. Latest in Art - Realism is Again Sweeping the US.
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