Фрагмент из книги.
The didgeridoo is an ancient instrument used by the Aboriginal people of Australia. Over the last tew decades, the instrument has gained worldwide popularity with folk musicians, such as Tyler Spencer. The wind instrument makes a deep, roiling sound It is made from wood and has a long, cylindrical shape as seen in the picture.

Bluegrass for a new generation.
Reading Summary: Three teenage brothers from New Jersey make up the bluegrass band Sleepy Man Banjo Boys After watching a video of Earl Scruggs playing the banjo, the boys started playing American folk bluegrass music, but with a modem spin After initially gaining popularity for the novelty of being a young band playing a traditional form of folk music, the brothers are now taking their music to the next level by helping bluegrass evolve into a modem form while introducing It to a whole new audience.
Scope and Sequence.
Pacing Guide.
Course Overview.
1 Passions.
2 Spending Habits.
3 Career Paths.
Presentation 1.
4 Talents.
5 Technology.
6 Challenges.
Presentation 2.
7 Confidence.
8 Wild Places.
9 Achievements.
Presentation 3.
10 Creative Cities.
11 Picture Perfect.
12 Healthy Habits.
Presentation 4.
Workbook Answer Key.
Audio and Video Scripts.
Unit Quizzes.
Unit Quizzes Answer Key.
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