Сборник контрольных заданий является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для учащихся VIII класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.
Сборник содержит задания, направленные на проверку знания учащимися лексического и грамматического материала учебника, а также на проверку уровня сформированности когнитивных способностей и коммуникативных навыков. Материалы сборника способствуют достижению учащимися личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов.

“Shop Till You Drop” Is Tragic, Not Funny.
Lucy Magda was tried and found guilty of stealing money from the place of work. During the trial the police reported that they had discovered the results of her compulsive shopping. There was so much clothing and jewellery stored at her home that they couldn't find enough space at the police station to put it.
About 6% of the North American population suffers from compulsive shopping, shopping which they find impossible to control. Anyhow, a lot of people think that compulsive shopping, or having a shopping “problem”, is socially acceptable and even comical.
Hollywood movies such as the romantic comedy Confessions of a Shopaholic contribute to this idea of compulsive shopping as playful and funny.
Karen Finlay, a marketing and consumer behaviour professor, says there’s nothing funny about a true shopaholic. “Compulsive shopping is disruptive and badly influences family relationships,” she said. “It’s really hard to imagine how sad these cases are.”
Unit One. Choosing a Career: The World of Jobs.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Teaching Sciences at School.
Test Two. Bill Bryson and His Book.
Test Three. Bill Bryson’s Speech.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Five Texts about Sciences.
Test Two. From the History of Fashion Industry.
Test Three. The End of Child Labour?.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Three. Confusable Words Test.
Test Four. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Five. Function Words Test.
Test Six. Word Building Test.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Subjunctive Mood. Present Subjunctive vs. Past Subjunctive.
Test Two. Subjunctive Mood. Choosing between the given verb forms.
Test Three. Subjunctive Mood. Using the appropriate verb forms.
Test Four. Using the construction “to have something done”.
Test Five. Using the appropriate word forms.
Unit Two. Education: The World of Learning.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Greenslade School.
Test Two. Five Texts on Problems of Education.
Test Three. “Railway Children” in India (a dialogue).
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Victorian England.
Test Two. Going to School in America.
Test Three. The Power of a Dream.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Three. Confusable Words Test (learn /study).
Test Four. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Five. Word Building Test (Sound imitation).
Test Six. Function Words Test.
Test Seven. Word Building Test.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Subjunctive Mood. Present Subjunctive vs. Past Subjunctive.
Test Two. Subjunctive Mood in “But for.” sentences.
Test Three. Subjunctive Mood in Sentences with “/ wish”.
Test Four. Subjunctive Mood. Present Subjunctive vs. Past Subjunctive. Sentences with “If I were.”.
Test Five. Subjunctive Mood. Present Subjunctive vs. Past Subjunctive.
Test Six. Adverb Test.
Test Seven. Using the construction “to have something done”.
Test Eight. Using the appropriate word forms.
Unit Three. Shopping: The World of Money.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Shopping Online.
Test Two. The Mall of America.
Test Three. Confessions of a Shopaholic.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Shopping Tips.
Test Two. Top American Fashion Designers.
Test Three. “Shop Till You Drop” Is Tragic, Not Funny.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Three. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Four. Confusable Words Test {funny, hilarious, ridiculous)
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Six. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Seven. Word Building Test.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Adverb/Adjective Test.
Test Two. Noun Substitutes Test.
Test Three. Relative Pronouns Test.
Test Four. Modal Verbs Test.
Test Five. Confusable Units Test (may be / maybe).
Test Six. Using the appropriate verb forms.
Unit Four. Fascination and Challenge: The World of Science and Technology.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Five Popular Books.
Test Two. Technology of the Future.
Test Three. The Dutch Architect’s Dream.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. A New Invention.
Test Two. Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technologies.
Test Three. Meet Frank, the World's First Bionic Man.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Three. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Four. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Five. Confusable Words Test (invent/discover).
Test Six. Function Words Test.
Test Seven. Word Building Test.
Test Eight. Confusable Words Test (beside /besides).
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Modal Verbs Test.
Test Two. Negative and Indefinite Pronouns Test.
Test Three. Sentence Formation Test.
Test Four. Adjective/Noun Test.
Test Five. Modal Verbs Test.
Test Six. Using the appropriate verb forms.
Test Seven. Modal Verbs Test.
Unit Five. Going to Places: The World of Travelling.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Speaking About Travelling.
Test Two. What Tourists Think of Britain.
Test Three. An Interview with Mr Sheppard.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Five Texts About Travelling.
Test Two. Victorians.
Test Three. The Second Great American Revolution in Transportation.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Function Words Test.
Test Three. Confusable Words Test.
Test Four. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Six. Word Building Test.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Either. or Neither. nor., Both. and.
Constructions Test.
Test Two. Noun/Adjective Test.
Test Three. Modal Verbs Test (to be (to), need).
Test Four. Modal Verbs + Infinitive/Perfect Infinitive Test.
Test Five. Adjective/Adverb Test.
Test Six. Noun/Adjective Test (Nations, Countries, Languages) Test Seven. Using the appropriate verb forms.
Unit Six. Newspapers and Television: The World of Mass Media.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Five Dialogues.
Test Two. James Cameron’s Trip to the Mariana Trench.
Test Three. Crufts Dog Show.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Television.
Test Two. The New Yorker.
Test Three. American Newspapers.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary Test.
Test Two. Function Words Test.
Test Three. Word Building Test (Derivatives formed with the help of prefixes).
Test Four. Topical Vocabulary Test.
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs Test.
Test Six. Confusable Words Test.
Test Seven. Word Building Test.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Prepositional -ing Forms Test.
Test Two. Infinitive/-ing Forms Test.
Test Three. Verb Forms Test (Correcting mistakes).
Test Four. Infinitive Forms Test.
Test Five. Using the constructions “to be used to", “used to”.
Test Six. Using the appropriate word forms.
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Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Афанасьева :: #Михеева :: #Ваулина :: #8 класс
Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
- Английский язык, 3 класс, диагностические работы, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Макеева С.Н., 2015
- Английский язык, 10 класс, контрольные задания, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2016
- Английский язык, 10 класс, рабочая тетрадь, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Петрова Н.Ю., Мичугина С.В., 2009
- Английский язык, 9 класс, контрольные задания, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2012
- ОГЭ-2019, английский язык, 30 тренировочных вариантов экзаменационных работ для подготовки к основному государственному экзамену, Гудкова Л.М., Терентьева О.В., 2019
- Думай по-английски, сборник упражнений, Васильева Е.А., 2014
- Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, Каушанская В.Л., 2006
- Тетрадь по английскому языку для самостоятельной работы, Верещагина И.Н., Прыткина Т.А., 2001