Фрагмент из книги:
The present simple is used to make simple statements of fact, to talk about things that happen repeatedly, and to describe things that are always true.

The past perfect continuous.
English uses the past perfect continuous with the past simple to talk about an activity that was in progress before another action or event happened.
The past simple refers to a specific completed event in the past. The past perfect continuous describes a repeated action or continuing activity that was taking place before that completed event.
The present simple.
The present simple negative.
Present simple questions.
The present continuous.
Present tenses overview.
The past simple.
The past simple negative.
Past simple questions.
The past continuous.
The present perfect simple.
The present perfect continuous.
The past perfect simple.
The past perfect continuous.
“Used to” and “would”.
Past tenses overview.
The future with “going to”.
The future with "will".
The present for future events.
The future continuous.
The future perfect.
The future in the past.
Future overview.
The passive.
The passive in the past.
The passive in the future.
The passive with modals.
Other passive constructions.
Conditional sentences.
Other conditional sentences.
Conditional sentences overview.
Future possibilities.
Wishes and regrets.
Forming questions.
Question words.
Open questions.
Object and subject questions.
Indirect questions.
Question tags.
Short questions.
Short answers.
Questions overview.
Reported speech.
Tenses in reported speech.
Reporting verbs.
Reported speech with negatives.
Reported questions.
Reported speech overview.
Types of verbs.
Action and state verbs.
Infinitives and participles.
Verb patterns.
Verb patterns with objects.
Verb patterns with prepositions.
Phrasal verbs.
Modal verbs.
Permission, requests, and offers.
Suggestions and advice.
Making deductions.
Articles overview.
"This / that / these / those".
"No / none".
"Each I every".
"Either / neither / both".
Singular and plural nouns.
Countable and uncountable nouns.
Subject-verb agreement.
Abstract and concrete nouns.
Compound nouns.
Linking words overview.
Easily confused phrases.
Sequencing and organizing.
Correcting and changing the subject.
Deciding and hedging.
Making conversation.
Index and Acknowledgments.
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