IELTS Language Practice is a reference and practice book for students preparing for the IELTS examination. It provides clear grammar explanations and regular practice units to consolidate the grammar points in a wider context. There are themed vocabulary units that contextualize essential words and phrases, offering a variety of exercise types students will encounter in the IELTS exam.

Past time.
Past simple.
• To describe finished events in the past with a definite time, or a past time context:
In 1684 Newton published his theory of gravity.
During a storm, the bridge collapsed.
• To describe past conditions, routines and habits:
Women and children worked in the mines hauling coal along narrow tunnels.
My father took the 8.15 train every morning for thirty years.
Whenever they went shopping together; they always had coffee at the same cafe.
Many common verbs have irregular past forms:
A hundred candidates took the test.
What events led to the American Revolution?
Grammar 1 Present time.
Grammar 2 Past time.
Grammar 3 Practice 1.
Grammar 4 Present perfect.
Grammar 5 Past perfect, used to.
Grammar 6 Practice 2.
Grammar 7 Future time.
Grammar 8 Time words and phrases.
Grammar 9 Practice 3.
Grammar 10 Direct and indirect questions.
Grammar 11 The passive.
Grammar 12 Practice 4.
Grammar 13 Conditionals 1.
Grammar 14 Conditionals 2.
Grammar 15 Practice 5.
Grammar 16 Modals 1.
Grammar 17 Modals 2.
Grammar 18 Practice 6.
Grammar 19 Articles 1.
Grammar 20 Articles 2.
Grammar 21 Practice 7.
Grammar 22 Number and quantity.
Grammar 23 Making comparisons.
Grammar 24 Practice 8.
Grammar 25 Adverbial clauses 1.
Grammar 26 Adverbial clauses 2.
Grammar 27 Practice 9.
Grammar 28 Relative clauses.
Grammar 29 Participle clauses.
Grammar 30 Practice 10.
Grammar 31 Pronouns and determiners.
Grammar 32 Prepositional phrases.
Grammar 33 Practice 11.
Grammar 34 Reporting and hearsay.
Grammar 35 Verbs followed by -ing or infinitive.
Grammar 36 Practice 12.
Grammar 37 Organizing text 1.
Grammar 38 Organizing text 2.
Grammar 39 Organizing text 3.
Grammar 40 Practice 13 Vocabulary.
Vocabulary 1 Travel and tourism.
Vocabulary 2 The natural world.
Vocabulary 3 Geography and geology.
Vocabulary 4 History.
Vocabulary 5 The mind.
Vocabulary 6 Technology.
Vocabulary 7 Business and marketing.
Vocabulary 8 Science and discoveries.
Vocabulary 9 The arts.
Vocabulary 10 Social issues and the media.
Vocabulary 11 The body and health.
Vocabulary 12 Attitude and opinion.
Vocabulary 13 Academic encounters.
Vocabulary 14 Graphs, charts, trends.
Vocabulary 15 Synonyms for academic essays.
Vocabulary 16 Linking words and phrases for academic essays.
Vocabulary 17 The Academic Word List: sublists 1 and 2.
Vocabulary 18 The Academic Word List: sublists 3 and 4.
Words and phrases.
Grammar answers.
Vocabulary answers.
Words and phrases answers.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Vince :: #French
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