The Russian alphabet, also called Cyrillic, consists of thirty-three letters representing thirty-one sounds and two signs that have no phonetic value of their own. It is attributed to the Greek monks Cyrill and Methodius, who came as missionaries to Christianize the Slavic countries and left their mark on the language as well. Modified forms of this alphabet are still in use today in countries other than Russia, including Bulgaria and some of the new nations of the former Yugoslavia.

Hard or Soft.
Russian consonants may be either hard or soft.2 Most English consonants are pronounced with a hard articulation, but most Russian consonants can be pronounced either way. By far the best example for English speakers of the difference between a hard and a soft consonant is the Spanish consonant ñ and the English letter n. The sound also occurs occasionally in English words, such as onion and poignant. As a device to assist in the pronunciation of Russian soft consonants, some textbooks suggest the insertion of the glide [y] between the consonant and the following vowel so that a hard n plus a would be transcribed as [na] and a soft n plus a as [nya].This device is not quite correct, but it can be useful to help the student achieve a correct pronunciation.
The following list of consonants shows the hard and soft pairs possible in modern Russian. For ease in pronunciation, they are shown with the vowel letters э and е.
1 The Russian Alphabet.
2 The Noun.
3 The Accusative Case.
4 The Adjective.
5 The Verb.
6 The Prepositional Case.
7 Present Tense Verbs.
8 The Dative Case.
9 Aspect of Verbs.
10 Future Tense and Imperative Mode.
11 The Dative Case (continued).
12 The Genitive Case.
13 The Genitive Plural.
14 The Instrumental Case.
15 Verbs of Motion.
16 The Prepositional, Dative, and Instrumental Plural.
17 Participles.
Russian-English Vocabulary.
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