Outcomes Beginner, Student’s Book, Answer Key

Outcomes Beginner, Student's Book, Answer Key.

Фрагмент из книги.
When you leave home in the morning: wave or give a kiss or hug and say: Bye! See you later! At the end of a class or meeting: Goodbye. See you tomorrow. Have a nice evening. At the end of an evening out with friends: wave, give a kiss or a hug and say: Bye! See you. Let’s get together again soon.

Outcomes, Beginner Student's Book, Answer Key

Thank you and goodbye.
Possible answers.
I help my family a lot. I always help my dad to make breakfast and I sometimes help in the garden. Last week I helped my friend with his English homework. I sometimes help tourists in my city. I give them directions to places.

Grammar reference.
1 Do we need anything to make dinner?
2 Do you have anything for headaches?
3 Do you need anyone to help you?
4 Do you know anywhere nice for a picnic?
5 Are there any nice places for children?
6 Who’s the best person to ask?
7 What are you getting her for her birthday?

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