Фрагмент из книги.
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What do you know about your family history?
2 Would you like to know more about your ancestors’ lives?
3 What questions would you ask your greatgrandparents about their lives?
4 If you could travel back in time, which period of history would you most like to visit?

Answer the questions in pairs.
1 Where is the tournament at the beginning of the DVD?
2 What don’t Carissa and her father agree on?
3 In what ways is she similar to other children her age?
4 What else does she do at her local club besides play chess?
5 Does the narrator think she’ll be lonely in the future?
Underline the correct option to complete the extracts.
1 It’s a city redolent/redundant of history.
2 ‘Innovate or die’ could be London’s catchphrase/watchword.
3 You will fi nd an event that places London centre court/stage year a er year.
4 Back in the time/day , we used to have three grand slams that were on grass.
5 So for the fi rst time in fi y years, a new design has been completed/commissioned.
6 With its hybrid/turbo engine, it’s also quieter than other buses.
7 It’s 6p.m. and London’s next generation of style superstars/divas are preparing for their graduate show.
8 This feels like a city you can make in your own mind/image.
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