Фрагмент из книги.
Auxiliary verbs are usually stressed in negative forms, short answers and tag questions. They are not usually stressed in positive sentences or question forms unless the speaker wishes to add extra emphasis to the verb.

Listen to the sentences below. Which sentence is more emphatic? Which words are stressed in the emphatic sentence?
1 We plan to reduce vandalism in the town centre.
2 What we plan to do is reduce vandalism in the town centre.
Look at the sentences below. Decide how you would say the sentences and which words you would stress. Listen and check your ideas.
1 What we plan to do is reduce stress for busy commuters.
2 What we’re proposing to do is play classical music in public places.
3 What we want to do is make our town centre a safer place for shoppers.
4 What we’re aiming to do is help tourists enjoy their stay.
5 What we’re hoping to do is increase local trade.
6 What we intend to do is create more youth employment.
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