Фрагмент из книги.
Underline the incorrect alternative.
1 My car/The alarm clock/The bus broke down.
2 I lost my keys/ticket/bus.
3 The tra c was uncomfortable/terrible/bad.
4 My car didn’t start/missed/broke down.
5 I didn’t hear my keys/my phone/the alarm clock.
6 I missed my ticket/the bus/the train.

Travel adjectives.
Underline the correct alternatives.
1 The train was empty/crowded, so there were lots of free places to sit.
2 My computer is very fast/slow today. Everything is taking a long time.
3 Don't sit in that chair. It's very comfortable/uncomfortable.
4 The lesson was so boring/interesting that I fell asleep!
5 Shh! Be noisy/quiet! There's an exam in that room.
6 It's very cold/hot today. Would you like an ice cream?
7 I really like it, but it's very cheap/expensive.
8 The fast/slow train is more expensive, but much quicker.
9 It's a great book, really boring/interesting.
10 The jacket was quite expensive/cheap, it only cost a few euros.
11 That restaurant is always really empty/crowded. It's very popular.
12 It's so quiet/noisy, I can't hear what you're saying to me.
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