Фрагмент из книги.
Phonemics are useful in English. They are good when:
– the spelling and sounds are di erent, e.g. watch es /ɪz/ .
– two, three or more letters are only one sound. For example, in sw ea ter we pronounce ‘ea’ as /e/.

prepositions Listen to the conversations.
Underline one main stress in each line and circle all the /ə/ sounds.
Conversation 1.
A: Where are my keys?
B: They’re next to the book
On the sofa.
Go and look.
Conversation 2.
A: Where’s my phone?
B: It’s near your hat.
Under the table
In front of the cat.
Conversation 3.
A: Where are my glasses?
B: On one of the chairs.
Near the door.
On the le of the stairs.
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