The Anti-Grammar Grammar Book certainly promotes grammar - the investigation of rules of form and corresponding meanings in the language system.
It is anti-grammar in that it sets out to avoid giving students rules. Instead it casts the students in the role of ‘thinker’, providing them with cognitive, problem-solving tasks to discover grammatical rules and meanings for themselves. The material does not say, ‘Here is a rule and a meaning, learn them!’ but rather, ‘Here is a sample of English - discover the rules and meanings for yourself!’
The Anti-Grammar Grammar Book also sets out to avoid the conventional gap-fill and transformation exercises which proliferate in existing materials. Instead it provides a variety of cognitive, involving, and creative activities to practise language both in controlled and freer frameworks. The content of the exercises is intended not just to present and practise language areas but to be of interest to the student in its own right. All of the activities have been fully tried and tested in classrooms.

Locusts past and present.
A. Completing the chart
Give each student a copy of ‘Locusts past and present’ and ask them to work individually to enter the uses in the chart. They can then compare with a neighbour before the teacher goes over the answers.
В. Timelines option
1. If the students are unfamiliar with timelines, give a few examples using the section on Timelines in the Introduction (p. 9).
2. Students draw timelines for each sentence and then compare with a partner. Alternatively, put the timelines in random order on the board for students to match and draw in. Go over the answers.
С. Contrasting present perfect simple with past simple and present simple
Students work in pairs to contrast the sets of sentences. Work through the answers with the class.
Section 1: Presents.
1.1. Im Zoo.
1.2. Mini-contexts.
1.3. Personality.
1.4. Galactic shuttle.
1.5. Future action.
1.6. We are continuing presently (A).
1.7. We are continuing presently (B).
1.8. Time box bingo.
1.9. The changing present.
1.10. Progress report.
1.11. Guess who?.
1.12. Perfect choice.
1.13. Africa braces itself.
1.14. Locusts past and present.
1.15. Tense moments.
1.16. Is the time up?.
1.17. Have you got the right time?.
1.18. Time sort dominoes and A perfect match.
1.19. Townscapes.
1.20. The search continues.
1.21. The search has been going on and on and on.
1.22. Time for a change.
1.23. Cassette sales.
1.24. Ups and downs.
1.25. Deleted transformations.
1.26. Deadly mistake.
Section 2: Pasts.
2.1. Fruit machine: Is it a mistake?.
2.2. Past a joke.
2.3. Tunnel ball.
2.4. Volley ball.
2.5. Who was Jack the Ripper?.
2.6. Continuous contexts.
2.7. Continuous continued.
2.8. Sea saga.
2.9. Assam: Perfect tea - Is it a thing of the past?.
2.10. Penalty shot.
2.11. Romeo, Romeo, ohhh.
2.12. Flashback.
2.13. The perfect detective.
2.14. Antarctica outside Atlantis inside.
2.15. Practice makes perfect.
2.16. Perfect one liners.
2.17. Man-eating shark.
2.18. Union jacks.
2.19. Story swop.
Section 3: Futures.
3.1. How simple is the future simple?.
3.2. Funny future.
3.3. Journalist of the future.
3.4. Double date.
3.5. Anyone for cricket?.
3.6. Who will be dancing in the streets?.
3.7. Gilbert.
3.8. Caribbean future.
3.9. Siesta.
3.10. The perfect future for the kangaroo?.
3.11. 2001 and the ozone story.
3.12. Ozone - a thing of the past or the future?.
3.13. By the time you're 100.
3.14. Problems, problems, problems!.
3.15 Perfection at last 3.16 What future?.
3.17 Futuristic city?.
PART В Worksheets.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Hall :: #Shepheard
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