This dictionary has been specifically designed to “diffuse” potentially confusable expressions. The dictionary pairs more than 10,000 idioms and collocations characterized by similarity or contrast in their wording or metaphorical idea that do not show corresponding similarity or contrast in their meanings. Also included are cases when phraseological units form a semantic mismatch with consonant compound words. This contrastive format enables the language learner to see all potentially confusable units together and so avoid confusing the phrase.
abut against something • abut on something
abut against something — rest against the end part of smth. firmly: The mountains are volcanic, and sedimentary deposits abut against them at a lower level.
abut on something—(of a plot of land, etc.) border on smth.; lie next to smth.: Our land abuts on the shopping center’s parking lot.
academic junk food • junk food
academic junk food — (coll.) college degree courses of no academic value to students: He describes the disintegration of the curriculum into limitless numbers of “interdisciplinary studies” programs that are often academic junk food.
junk food—food, as potato chips, hamburgers, and hot dogs, that is high in calories but of little nutritional value: Many schools are selling at break time nothing less than junk foods.
Phrase Index.
Key Word Index.
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