Разговорный английский для младших школьников, Левитте И.Ю., 2007

Разговорный английский для младших школьников, Левитте И.Ю., 2007.

   Это пособие поможет вам развить навыки чтения и разговорной речи, В нём содержится полезная для вас информация, а помешенные в конец пособия переводы подскажут, как правильно строить предложения при выполнении заданий в дальнейшем процессе изучения английского языка.
Родители могут в свободное время помочь вам выполнить любое задание (например, написать сочинение, выучить понравившийся диалог). Не стесняйтесь неправильно произнести то или иное слово. Только при наличии практики проговаривания английских слов и словосочетаний вы добьётесь прекрасного произношения.

Разговорный английским для младших школьников, Левитте И.Ю., 2007

My family.
I am a small boy, but not very small because 1 am already seven years old. My name is Kolya. Our family is not very large, i have a father, a mother and a brother. My father is a manager. He works in an office. He goes there by car four times a week.

My mum is a teacher of literature. She works at school 52 where my brother Sasha is a pupil of the seventh form.

I do not think he studies well. He likes to play very much but he doesn’t like to do his homework. He studies many subjects at the school. But I think he likes only Drawing, and Physical Training lessons.

Mum helps Sasha with his lessons. She corrects his mistakes and asks him to retell his History and Geography lessons. Mum shows me how to pronounce English words and repeats them to me many times. She also teaches us to write correctly.

1. My family.
2. I'll do it myself.
3. These are not his toys!.
4. Not one but two.
5. The only clever pupil.
6. Good news.
7. Wrong pens.
8. My school.
9. My first day at school.
10. School rules.
11. English classes.
12. Why the moon?.
13. She doesn't know Arithmetic!.
14. My friends.
15. Free time.
16. Pets.
17. Charlie and Morris.
18. Interesting information.
19. Animals.
20. At the zoo.
21. Do you know.
22. The cunning Fox.
23. The talc.
24. Mobile phone conversation.
25. Professions.
26. At the dentist.
27. Wonderful glasses.
28. Cities and towns.
29. Saint - Petersham.
30. Moscow.
31. It is interesting to know.
32. Well-done homework.
33. Getting up with the sun.
34. A pair of socks.
35. An adult umbrella.
36. What Yasha had for breakfast.
37. Call your name please!.

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