Blues Guitar For Dummies, Блюз-гитара для чайников, Chappell J., 2007

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Blues Guitar For Dummies, Блюз-гитара для чайников, Chappell J., 2007.

   Blues Guitar For Dummies covers all aspects of blues guitar, from playing the instrument to understanding the legends and lore associated with it. This book is for the beginning to intermediate blues guitarist. If you don't know much about the guitar as an instrument, just hang out with me as I take you through the world of blues guitar. And even if you already own or know something about guitars, you can use the info in this book before you go out and make your next guitar purchase.
To get a meaningful experience from this book, you don't have to play or own a guitar. You don’t even have to know what kind of guitar you want or what style of playing you want to pursue. This book is designed to help you figure that out. But this book is a guitar book, after all, so I focus on just guitars, guitar playing, and guitarists themselves.

Blues Guitar For Dummies, Блюз-гитара для чайников, Chappell J., 2007

Every Day I Have the Blues . . . Hallelujah!
PIaying the blues is a healthy way of expressing emotion — therapeutic even. The great irony about the blues is that it’s fun — don’t let those gloomy lyrics fool you for one second. Experiencing the blues is entertainment for both the listener and the player. Because the blues is fun and healthy it draws people into jam sessions, crowded clubs, and grand concert halls.

To listen to the blues is to be healed. To play the blues is to be a healer. Want to help people? Forget about being a doctor; you’re only allowed to see one patient at a time. And there’s no pill you can prescribe for an ailing mojo. Be a blues player instead and help thousands at a time just by playing a smokin' blues riff on overdrive. Now, that’s what I call medicinal!

The blues has a wide range of sounds, feels, emotions, and passions, and people have many different associations when you say the word blues. To some, the blues is the sparse-sounding acoustic fingerpicking of Robert Johnson. To others, it's the gritty sound of Muddy Waters in a crowded club on Chicago’s South Side or the hard-rock wall of sound coming from a stadium playing host to Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, or Johnny Winter. It doesn't matter which particular image is conjured, because it’s all the blues. After reading this book, playing through the examples, and listening to the CD, you may have a more complete and expanded picture of all that the blues can be.

Part I: You Got a Right to Play the Blues.
Chapter 1: Every Day I Have the Blues... Hallelujah!.
Chapter 2: Blues Meets Guitar: A Match Made in Musical Heaven.
Chapter 3: Grab Hold, Tune Up, Play On!.
Part II: Setting Up to Play the Blues.
Chapter 4: Getting a Grip on Left-Hand Chords.
Chapter 5: Positioning the Right Hand for Rhythm and Lead.
Chapter 6: Blues Progressions, Song Forms, and Moves.
Chapter 7: Musical Riffs: Bedrock of the Blues.
Part III: Beyond the Basics: Playing Like a Pro.
Chapter 8: Playing Lead: Soaring Melodies and Searing Solos.
Chapter 9: Playing Up the Neck.
Chapter 10: Express Yourself: Making the Guitar Sing, Cry, and Wail.
Part IV: Sounding Like the Masters: Blues Styles through the Ages.
Chapter 11: Acoustic Roots: Delta Blues and Its Country Cousins.
Chapter 12: The Birth and Growth of Classic Electric Blues.
Chapter 13: Blues Rock: The Infusion of Ol’ Rock ’n’ Roll.
Part V: Gearing Up: Outfitting Your Arsenal.
Chapter 14: Shop Till You Drop: Buying the Right Guitar for You.
Chapter 15: Choosing Your Amp and Effects.
Chapter 16: Changing Strings.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 17: Ten Blues Guitar Giants.
Chapter 18: Ten Great Blues Guitars.
Chapter 19: Ten (Plus One) Must-Have Blues Guitar Albums.

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