Cambridge English, First 3, With Answers, 2018

Cambridge English, First 3, With Answers, 2018.

   This collection of four complete practice tests comprises papers from the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examination; students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher.
The Cambridge English: First examination is part of a suite of general English examinations produced by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This suite consists of five examinations that have similar characteristics but are designed for different levels of English language ability. Within the five levels, Cambridge English: First is at Level B2 in the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. It has also been accredited by Ofqual, the statutory regulatory authority in England, at Level 1 in the National Qualifications Framework. The Cambridge English: First examination is widely recognised in commerce and industry, and in individual university faculties and other educational institutions.

Cambridge English, First 3, With Answers, 2018

In the second paragraph, Heston implies that the books in the ‘Perfection’ series
A had a more international focus than his first book.
В strongly developed the psychological aspect of the subject.
C feature some characters who re-appeared in different books.
D were less successful than the TV programmes that went with them.

What did Heston think about the meeting to discuss the ‘Perfection’ series?
A It was useful in highlighting some practical problems.
В It resulted in a very strange decision.
C It should have been more productive.
D It was demanding but efficient.

What does Heston imply about the recipes in his new book?
A They vary considerably from the versions that inspired them.
В They could be developed further in the future.
C The final wording of them was easy to come up with.
D The selection is not necessarily one he would have made himself.

What does ‘honing’ in line 62 tell us about the recipes?
A They can never be completely perfect.
В They are regarded by Heston as being experimental.
C They serve another significant purpose in Heston’s book.
D They have been worked on and improved over a period of time.

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