Данное учебное пособие содержит лексический и грамматический материал для изучения английского языка с нулевого уровня до уровня pre-intermediate (А2/В1). Курс разбит на 100 относительно небольших, но насыщенных уроков и рассчитан на прохождение в течение 100 дней, то есть на освоение 1 урока потребуется 1 день. Для отработки языковых навыков и речевых умений предлагается большое количество упражнений, ключи к которым расположены в конце книги. Пособие также научит вас работать с текстами на английском языке и сообщит базовые сведения о культуре современного англоязычного мира.
Книга адресован всем, кто хочет овладеть английским языком, не слишком затягивая процесс изучения, и готов к интенсивным самостоятельным занятиям.

Прочитайте следующий диалог.
James: Hello, Helen! How are you?
Helen: Hi, James. I'm fine, thank you. And you?
James: I'm very well, thanks.
Helen: James, this is my sister, Anna. She's a doctor. And this is Max, her husband. He's an engineer. Kate and William are their children. James: Nice to meet you Max-. Nice to meet you too.
Прочитайте текст. Подчеркните все притяжательные местоимения.
Nick: I'm Nick. I'm from Britain. I'm married. Carol is my wife. Lisa and Sam are our daughter and son. Lisa isn't married. She's single. She's a student. Sam is a lawyer. He's married. His wife, Tina, is a teacher. Mia and Rob are their children. Mia is six and Rob is nine. Mel is my sister. She's married. Ben is her husband. And you are Tom, my cat. And this is not your chair. This is my chair.
Unit 1: ABC – English Alphabet.
Unit 2: English sounds.
Unit 3: English sounds 2.
Unit 4: We are from Russia.
Unit 5: They’re Italian.
Unit 6: Nice to meet you.
Unit 7: I’m not a doctor, I’m a dentist.
Unit 8: Are you single or married?.
Unit 9: My wife, my son, my daughter.
Unit 10: It’s a watch.
Unit 11: The sky is blue.
Unit 12: Books, keys, pencils.
Unit 13: This bag or that bag?.
Unit 14: She’s a teenager.
Unit 15: My mother’s sister, my father’s brother.
Unit 16: Where’s my passport?.
Unit 17: My great-grandmother is 99.
Unit 18: What time is it?.
Unit 19: When is the fl ight?.
Unit 20: Whose is the boarding pass?.
Unit 21: We are on the plane.
Unit 22: Is the weather warm or cold?.
Unit 23: In the living room.
Unit 24: In the bedroom.
Unit 25: In the bathroom.
Unit 26: In the Kitchen.
Unit 27: Food.
Unit 28: Containers.
Unit 29: What’s there on Monday?.
Unit 30: I live in Russia.
Unit 31: It’s my life.
Unit 32: He goes to work by bus.
Unit 33: I always drink coffee in the morning.
Unit 34: I don’t eat meat.
Unit 35: My cat doesn’t like apples.
Unit 36: I love it.
Unit 37: Do you have a cat?.
Unit 38: Does she live in Moscow?.
Unit 39: My housework.
Unit 40: Sport.
Unit 41: I can swim.
Unit 42: Can I have some coffee, please?.
Unit 43: Directions.
Unit 44: My free time.
Unit 45: What does she look like?.
Unit 46: The country is safer than the city.
Unit 47: Hong Kong is the most expensive city in the world.
Unit 48: You have to get a visa.
Unit 49: Cats, dogs and a green wild friend.
Unit 50: It was a great day.
Unit 51: The Beatles weren’t in Russia.
Unit 52: How many people were there?.
Unit 53: Pushkin was born in June.
Unit 54: On the 9th of May.
Unit 55: It was fantastic.
Unit 56: I travelled to Brighton last weekend.
Unit 57: A day in Brighton.
Unit 58: We didn’t see the monster.
Unit 59: Where did you travel last summer?.
Unit 60: I drank a lot of coffee yesterday.
Unit 61: We didn’t take a taxi to the airport.
Unit 62: Did you meet your friends last weekend?.
Unit 63: Safe and Sound.
Unit 64: I’m driving now.
Unit 65: I want to invite you to the cinema.
Unit 66: He’s tasting local food.
Unit 67: He isn’t having breakfast now.
Unit 68: What are you studying?.
Unit 69: Clothes.
Unit 70: What are they doing?.
Unit 71: I’d like to go to London next year.
Unit 72: They’re going to get married.
Unit 73: What are you going to do next month?.
Unit 74: I think I’ll go to Paris.
Unit 75: I think she won’t come to the party.
Unit 76: I’ll probably visit my relatives this weekend
Unit 77: I might go to the cinema.
Unit 78: We’ll probably walk around the Kremlin. We might see the President!.
Unit 79: I’ve got a car.
Unit 80: I’ve got a heartache.
Unit 81: I’ve travelled to 50 countries.
Unit 82: He’s written a book.
Unit 83: They haven’t travelled abroad yet.
Unit 84: Have you ever been abroad?.
Unit 85: I’m sorry I’ve lost your book.
Unit 86: In a café.
Unit 87: Let’s eat out.
Unit 88: Buying clothes.
Unit 89: Jobs.
Unit 90: At the chemist’s.
Unit 91: Buying food.
Unit 92: On a bus.
Unit 93: Travelling by train.
Unit 94: At the airport.
Unit 95: At the airport (2).
Unit 96: Booking a room.
Unit 97: Checking in at the hotel.
Unit 98: At the hotel.
Unit 99: What shall we do tonight?.
Unit 100: Did you enjoy your stay with us?.
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