Грамматика английского языка, Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М., 2003

Грамматика английского языка, Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М., 2003.
   Учебник предназначен для студентов тех институтов и факультетов иностранных языков, в которых курс практической грамматики читается на английском языке. Учебник содержит развернутое описание частей речи, краткие сведения о структуре предложения. Последовательно проводится стиллистическая дифференциация грамматических явлений.
Тщательный подбор иллюстративных примеров, которые содержат общеупотребительную лексику, но вместе с тем являются образцами хорошего литературного языка, обеспечивают повышение общего уровня владения языком.
Рекомендуется использовать в комплекте со «Сборником упражнений по грамматике английского языка» И. П. Крыловой.

Грамматика английского языка, Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М., 2003

Tense, Aspect and Phase.
Tense is the form of the verb which indicates the time of the action. The category of tense in English is made up by a set of forms opposed to each other in referring the event or state described to the present, past or future.

Aspect is the form of the verb which serves to express the manner in which the action is regarded. There are two opposing sets of aspect forms in English — the Continuous forms and the Non-Continuous (Indefinite) forms. The Non-Continuous (Indefinite) forms have a very broad meaning, they have no specialized aspect characteristics of their own and merely represent an action as occurring. Conversely, the Continuous forms have a clear-cut aspect characteristic, which is to represent an action in its temporary development. The Continuous forms have a number of other concomitant meanings or overtones that go with the basic meaning of process and duration. They are incompletion, simultaneity, vividness of description, emotional colouring and emphasis.

Besides, there are the Perfect forms which are opposed to the Non-Perfect forms. The latter have no definite grammatical characteristics. The grammatical meaning of the Perfect forms is to express retrospectiveness, which consists of two elements — priority and relevance. In some grammars this category has been given the name phase.

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