учебник по английскому языку

Cambridge English, Grammar for IELTS, With answers, Hopkins D., Cullen P., 2007

Cambridge English, Grammar for IELTS, With answers, Hopkins D., Cullen P., 2007.

   This book is for anyone preparing for IELTS. Although the IELTS test does not include a specific grammar module, it is important to be able to recognize and use grammar appropriately. This book covers the grammar you will need to be successful in the test. You an use it to support an IELTS coursebook, with a general English language course for extra grammar practice, or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use it in class or for self-study.

Cambridge English, Grammar for IELTS, With answers, Hopkins D., Cullen P., 2007
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, Grammar for IELTS, With answers, Hopkins D., Cullen P., 2007

Harining Grammar, English, 2021

Harining Grammar, English, 2021.

Фрагмент из книги:
In this chapter we will see the alphabet corresponding to this language. This, of course, discriminates against the digraphs of the language. Uppercase letters will be displayed first, then lowercase letters, and finally both with their respective base name, since the name for each one would be "majór" for the uppercase letter and "junyor" for the lowercase letter.

Harining Grammar, English, 2021
Скачать и читать Harining Grammar, English, 2021

Grammar Simplified with Grammar cards, Edition for English language learners

Grammar Simplified with Grammar cards, Edition for English language learners.

    Welcome! This book is all about a fresh way to get better at English. It's perfect for anyone who has started learning and wants to go further.
We'll start with a story about how some learners, just like you, looked for a better way to learn. They needed something that made learning not just easy, but also effective for them. That's what this book is all about.

Grammar Simplified with Grammar cards, Edition for English language learners
Скачать и читать Grammar Simplified with Grammar cards, Edition for English language learners

Longman, The Advanced Learners’ Grammar, A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers, Foley M., Hall D., 2003

Longman, The Advanced Learners’ Grammar, A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers, Foley M., Hall D., 2003.

    The Advanced Learners’ Grammar is a comprehensive advanced level grammar of the English language with cross-referenced practice exercises and a full set of diagnostic tests.

The Advanced Learners’ Grammar, Foley M., Hall D., 2003
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Longman, The Advanced Learners’ Grammar, A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers, Foley M., Hall D., 2003

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Teachers Book, Dooley J., 2022

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Teachers Book, Dooley J., 2022.

   Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14 units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2 level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures.

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Teachers Book, Dooley J., 2022
Скачать и читать Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Teachers Book, Dooley J., 2022

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Students Book, Dooley J., 2022

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Students Book, Dooley J., 2022.

   Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14 units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2 level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures.

Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Students Book, Dooley J., 2022
Скачать и читать Grammar and Vocabulary Booster, B2, Students Book, Dooley J., 2022

Business English, And a little bit of grammar, Frank S., Leeuwen W., 2023

Business English, And a little bit of grammar, Frank S., Leeuwen W., 2023.

Фрагмент из книги:
We use still to say that a situation or action is continuing. It hasn’t changed or stopped:
-It’s ten o’clock and Joe is still in bed.
-When I went to bed, Chris was still working.
-Do you still want to go away or have you changed your mind?
Still usually goes in the middle of the sentence with the verb.

Business English, And a little bit of grammar, Frank S., Leeuwen W., 2023
Скачать и читать Business English, And a little bit of grammar, Frank S., Leeuwen W., 2023

Английский язык, Неправильные глаголы, Журлова О.А., 2021

Английский язык, Неправильные глаголы, Журлова О.А., 2021.

   В данном издании представлены основные глаголы английского языка, изучаемые в начальной школе.
Благодаря оригинальной авторской методике задания воспринимаются как увлекательная игра, что значительно облегчает запоминание глагольных форм, а также развивает воображение ребенка.
Пособие предназначено для детей младшего школьного возраста, их родителей и учителей английского языка.

Английский язык, Неправильные глаголы, Журлова О.А., 2021
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Английский язык, Неправильные глаголы, Журлова О.А., 2021
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