Grammarway 1 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 2004.
Grammarway 1 is the first book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour. The book is designed for learners of the English language at Beginner level, and can be used for self-study or in the classroom as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand basic English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations.
Grammarway 1 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 2004
Скачать и читать Grammarway 1 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 2004Grammarway 2 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999
Grammarway 2 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999.
Grammarway 2 is the second book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at post-elementary level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and. finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Скачать и читать Grammarway 2 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999Grammarway 2 is the second book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at post-elementary level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and. finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Grammarway 3 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999
Grammarway 3 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999.
Grammarway 3 is the third book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at intermediate level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and, finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Скачать и читать Grammarway 3 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999Grammarway 3 is the third book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at intermediate level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and, finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Grammarway 4 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999
Grammarway 4 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999.
Grammarway 4 is the fourth book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at upper-intermediate level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and, finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Скачать и читать Grammarway 4 With Answers, Dooley J., Evans V., 1999Grammarway 4 is the fourth book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at upper-intermediate level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level. The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations. The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and, finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and useful activities.
Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019
Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019.
For students competing for the decreasing pool of college scholarships, writing a stellar entrance essay can make all the difference. With discrete explanations of vital grammar rules, common usage errors, and the other key concepts people need to refer to most often, Grammar Essentials For Dummies provides crucial information to help students communicate accurately and effectively. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical grammar concepts as they help students with homework assignments or college entrance essays, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom and people learning English as a next language.
Скачать и читать Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019For students competing for the decreasing pool of college scholarships, writing a stellar entrance essay can make all the difference. With discrete explanations of vital grammar rules, common usage errors, and the other key concepts people need to refer to most often, Grammar Essentials For Dummies provides crucial information to help students communicate accurately and effectively. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical grammar concepts as they help students with homework assignments or college entrance essays, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom and people learning English as a next language.
Как писать, чтобы читали, 16 секретов хорошего текста для блогеров, Алютина Л., Апухтина А., 2023
Как писать, чтобы читали, 16 секретов хорошего текста для блогеров, Алютина Л., Апухтина А., 2023.
Эта книга задумана как практическое пособие, книга-тренинг, а значит, на ее страницах вы встретитесь с персонажами, вместе с ними попадете в различные ситуации и вместе с ними будете тренироваться писать эмоционально. Итак, знакомьтесь.
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Как писать, чтобы читали, 16 секретов хорошего текста для блогеров, Алютина Л., Апухтина А., 2023Эта книга задумана как практическое пособие, книга-тренинг, а значит, на ее страницах вы встретитесь с персонажами, вместе с ними попадете в различные ситуации и вместе с ними будете тренироваться писать эмоционально. Итак, знакомьтесь.
Венгерский язык, Справочник по грамматике, Гуськова А.П., 2009
Венгерский язык, Справочник по грамматике, Гуськова А.П., 2009.
Данный справочник представляет собой пособие, содержащее основные систематизированные сведения о грамматике венгерского языка. Издание предназначено для изучающих венгерский язык самостоятельно или с преподавателем. В пособии описаны лексико-грамматические категории всех венгерских частей речи, особенности их образования и употребления. Грамматика венгерского языка дается в пособии в сопоставлении с русским языком, приводятся особенности перевода с венгерского на русский.
Скачать и читать Венгерский язык, Справочник по грамматике, Гуськова А.П., 2009Данный справочник представляет собой пособие, содержащее основные систематизированные сведения о грамматике венгерского языка. Издание предназначено для изучающих венгерский язык самостоятельно или с преподавателем. В пособии описаны лексико-грамматические категории всех венгерских частей речи, особенности их образования и употребления. Грамматика венгерского языка дается в пособии в сопоставлении с русским языком, приводятся особенности перевода с венгерского на русский.
Грамматика в картинках, Ударение, Наглядно-дидактическое пособие, 5-7 лет, Бывшева А., 2007
Грамматика в картинках, Ударение, Наглядно-дидактическое пособие, 5-7 лет, Бывшева А., 2007.
Серия наглядно-дидактических пособий «Грамматика в картинках» предназначена для групповых и индивидуальных занятий с детьми 5—7 лет в детском саду и дома.
Пособия рекомендуется использовать на занятиях по развитию речи и мышления, при обучении детей иностранному языку.
Скачать и читать Грамматика в картинках, Ударение, Наглядно-дидактическое пособие, 5-7 лет, Бывшева А., 2007Серия наглядно-дидактических пособий «Грамматика в картинках» предназначена для групповых и индивидуальных занятий с детьми 5—7 лет в детском саду и дома.
Пособия рекомендуется использовать на занятиях по развитию речи и мышления, при обучении детей иностранному языку.
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- Проблемы грамматической теории, Холодович А.А., 1979
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- Читаем и пишем грамотно по-английски, 4 класс, Чимирис Ю.В., 2016
- Грамматика норвежского языка, Стеблин-Каменский М.И., 2006
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