
CSS Master, Brown T., 2018

CSS Master, Brown T., 2018.

CSS Master is tailor-made for the web designer or front-end devleoper who's really serious about taking their skills to the next level. Discover how to keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice and employing the most effective, cutting-edge CSS techniques. Now thoroughly updated in its second edition, this book covers how to: Organize your CSS to create the most efficient and most maintainable code; Employ advanced approaches to achieve complex layouts: flexbox, grid layouts, multi-column, and more; Use next-level effects: transitions, transforms, filters, animations, and more; Combine CSS and SVG to create seriously powerful visuals; Use efficient debugging techniques; And much more!

CSS Master, Brown T., 2018
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Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007.

   Since its first publication in 1980, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, here in its fifth edition, has served a number of purposes for many audiences around the world. For graduates or advanced undergraduates in languageteacher education programs, it is a textbook on the theoretical foundations of language teaching, a survey of what research has revealed about how human beings acquire a second language. For a surprising number of people it has become a book that Master's degree candidates pore over in preparation for the SLA section of their comprehensive examinations or for references for their thesis research. For experienced teachers, it has become a handbook that provides an overview of current issues in the field with an index and bibliographic entries to aid in that overview.

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007
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Hey friends 3, Student book, Foster F., Brown B.

Hey friends 3, Student book, Foster F., Brown B.

Фрагмент из книги.
The Death Valley is one of the hottest places In the world. It has got the record for the highest temperature on Karth at 56.7 °C! It has got long, extremely hot summers and short winters. It has got little rainfall.

Hey friends 3, Student book, Foster F., Brown B.
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The Tenses, the Aspects, and the Voices of the English Language, Brown M., 2017

The Tenses, the Aspects, and the Voices of the English Language, Brown M., 2017.

Фрагмент из книги:
A ‘tense’ is a form of a verbal group that indicates either (1) the past time, (2) the present time, or (3) the future time. The verbal group always consists of (a) one main verb, often consists of (b) an auxiliary verb and (c) a participle or participles, and intermittently consists of (d) a modal verb. For the purpose of the visual aid, the past tense is highlighted in red and is represented by a red circle (i.e. ) the present tense is highlighted in yellow and is represented by a yellow circle (i.e. ) and the future tense is highlighted in greenand is represented by a green circle.

The Tenses, the Aspects, and the Voices of the English Language, Brown M., 2017
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A Semantic Approach to English Grammar, second Edition, Brown K., Clark E.V., McMahon A., Miller J., Milroy L., 2005

A Semantic Approach to English Grammar, second Edition, Brown K., Clark E.V., McMahon A., Miller J., Milroy L., 2005.


When I first became interested in linguistics, in 1961, it was with the idea that it should be possible to put forward the kind of description and explanation which is attempted in this book. I was thinking about the meanings of words and how their grammatical properties should be a function of those meanings. I thought: there really ought to be a discipline, perhaps called linguistics, which deals with such things. Then I found that there actually was a subject called linguistics. It was not immediately obvious that linguists at the time were interested in the interrelation between meaning and grammar. Nevertheless, I settled down—in a state of some excitement—to study the principles of linguistics. This was at the University of Edinburgh, under the fine tutelage of Michael Halliday and Angus Mcintosh.

A Semantic Approach to English Grammar, second Edition, Brown K., Clark E.V., McMahon A., Miller J., Milroy L., 2005
Скачать и читать A Semantic Approach to English Grammar, second Edition, Brown K., Clark E.V., McMahon A., Miller J., Milroy L., 2005

The Grammar of English Grammars, Brown G., 2004

The Grammar of English Grammars, Brown G., 2004.
The present performance is, so far as the end could be reached, the fulfillment of a design, formed about twenty-seven years ago, of one day presenting to the world, if I might, something like a complete grammar of the English language;—not a mere work of criticism, nor yet a work too tame, indecisive, and uncritical; for, in books of either of these sorts, our libraries already abound;—not a mere philosophical investigation of what is general or universal in grammar, nor yet a minute detail of what forms only a part of our own philology; for either of these plans falls very far short of such a purpose;—not a mere grammatical compend, abstract, or compilation, sorting with other works already before the public; for, in the production of school grammars, the author had early performed his part; and, of small treatises on this subject, we have long had a superabundance rather than a lack.

The Grammar of English Grammars, Brown G., 2004
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Preliminary english test 8, with answers, Brown K., 2014

Preliminary english test 8, with answers, Brown K., 2014.

This 8th collection of examination papers for Cambridge English provides all the exam practice you need. It contains:
four official examination papers that provide authentic exam practice, a helpful overview of the Cambridge English: Preliminary exam to familiarize you with its format, attractive visual material to help you practice for the paired Speaking test, photocopiable answer sheets so you can practice transferring your answers, This 'with answers' edition contains: a clear explanation of marking and grading, illustrated by authentic sample answers, recording scripts and answer keys, frameworks to help you prepare for the Speaking tests.
Audio CDs containing the recorded material for the Listening paper are also included.

Preliminary english test 8, with answers, Brown K., 2014
Скачать и читать Preliminary english test 8, with answers, Brown K., 2014


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