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Где купить дешево книгу Towards a Greener Economy in English, Бабушкина Л.Е., Порческу Г.В., Султанова И.В., 2023
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Книга The complete farmer and rural economist : containing a compendious epitome of the most important branches of agricultural and rural economy (Thomas ...
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Formgiving. An Architectural Future History, the new book by BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group), is a visionary attempt to look at the horizon of time.
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The original "Longman Activator"- the world's first production dictionary - has given thousands of students and their teachers the confidence to produce ...
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The ability of post-Soviet Eurasian states to reap benefits from economic interdependence and internationalization was limited by the peculiarities of their ...
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A deeply moving and mind-expanding collection of personal essays in the first ever work of non-fiction from #1 internationally bestselling author John Green
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From the blood and breathing to rocks and minerals, kids will love getting to grips with this exciting encyclopedia. Perfect for homework or just for fun, First ...
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Throughout history, humankind has tried to order the living world and understand how it works. As our influence on the planet grows, answering these ...
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“Cukier and his co-authors have a more ambitious project than Kahneman and Harari. They don't want to just point out how powerfully we are influenced by our ...
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Five billion people, two-thirds of the world's mega-cities, one-third of the global economy, two-thirds of global economic growth, thirty of the Fortune 100 ...
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Stimulating new material brings this edition right up to date with critical business thinking. Including a new chapter on the platform economy and fresh ...
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This is the first ABC book of the Russian art from the 12th to the 20th centuries. You will find true masterpieces relating to a broad variety of genres: ...
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It is impossible to imagine London without the Tube: the beating heart of the city, the Underground shuttles over a billion passengers each year below it's ...
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Flower painter Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840) devoted himself exclusively to capturing the diversity of flowering plants in watercolor paintings which ...
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Through interviews with a network of more than seventy trailblazing women, Fast Forward shows women how to accelerate their growing economic power and combine ...
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For many thousands of years, people have used oratory to influence others, but what exactly makes a speech great? Is it the choice of words, the feelings ...
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It is not nature versus the economy; it is investing in nature to increase prosperity. My grandfather's farm might not have turned out to be so 'uneconomic ...
www.litres.ru - Sustainability Calling, Pierre Massotte
О книге. This book discusses the key concepts of the technologies that underpin the drive towards sustainability in today's complex... Далее. Жанры и теги.
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That framework is composed of the ecological, environmental and social goals that many organizations and people are now working towards, from the social workers ...
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Demand that your home consumes the minimum of energy yet keeps you warm and comfortable. Demand a healthy environment with fresh, clean air. Demand that your ...
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... towards investing in the real economy and full employment. «Obamanomics», and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only ...
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Бесплатно читать онлайн книгу «Позитивные изменения. Тематический выпуск «Экономика будущего» (2023). Positive changes. Special issue «The economy of ...
www.litres.ru - Operationalizing Sustainability, Pierre Massotte
This book focuses on the emergence of the «science of sustainability» and the key concepts in making sustainability operational in an organization.
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Globally, the concern for climate change has led governments and the community in general to consider the affectations that we as humans have been doing to the ...
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Нажмите на одну из кнопок выше, чтобы купить учебник Towards a Greener Economy in English, Бабушкина Л.Е., Порческу Г.В., Султанова И.В., 2023 или книгу в интернет магазинах Лабиринт, Буквоед, Читай-город, Литрес, My-shop, Book24, Books.ru, Литгид, Озон.
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