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    Teaching Adult Second Language Learners addresses the needs of adults studying English. It provides a useful summary of the principles involved in teaching ...

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  3. The Company Words Keep. Lexical chunks in language ...

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  5. Teaching Children How to Learn. Ellis Gail - купить книгу с ...

    Teaching children how to learn is a ground-breaking book that offers primary language techers a new and practical methodology based on the importance of ...

  6. Perkins David "Making Learning Whole" — купить в ...
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    He describes how teaching any subject at any level can be made more effective if students are introduced to the "whole game," rather than isolated pieces of a ...

  7. Culture in Our Classrooms. Teaching Language through ...

    They involve students in reacting and reflecting, sharing and comparing - and are grouped into four chapters which foster cultural awareness, focus on the ...

  8. Teaching English to Pre-Primary Children. Ellis Gail

    It ensures that the first early language learning experience is a positive one which paves the way for a life-long journey into language learning. код в ...

  9. Teaching Online. Tools and techniques, options and ...

    It deals comprehensively with both the tools and the techniques necessary for online language instruction. It is a clear, accessible and reassuringly practical ...

  10. Film in Action. Teaching language using moving images

    Film in Action convincingly places the moving image at the centre of the 21st century language learning agenda. This ground-breaking book shows how teachers ...

  11. CLIL Essentials for Secondary School Teachers

    The book illustrates how content and language teachers can expand and improve content and language learning using an extensive number of techniques for the ...

  12. Teaching Unplugged. Dogme in English Language Teaching

    A detailed explanation of the core principles behind Dogme ELT. An invitation to reflect on the best way to learn a language and, consequently, to teach it.

  13. English is Context. Practical pragmatics for clear ...

    English is Context is as enjoyable to read as it will be enjoyable to teach. It is amusing yet authoritative; provocative yet without causing offence; ...

  14. Spotlight on Learning Styles. Teacher Strategies for learner ...

    It sheds light on our personal learning preferences and what we can do to learn and to teach more successfully - so that: Teachers discover the characteristics ...

  15. The Developing Teacher. Practical activities for ...

    ... teacher development, and for complementing courses in language teacher education. ... Professional principles and practical procedures. 4 2397 064. The ...

  16. Teaching English as a Lingua Franca. The journey from EFL to ...

    Teaching English as a Lingua Franca is an authoritative analysis of why and how English is used as an international language - and an argument for teaching ...

  17. Overt Teaching. Putting learners at the centre of their ...

    Not only do learners need to be aware of what they are learning and why, but their involvement in the discussion of their own success is critical. After laying ...

  18. Storytelling With Our Students. Techniques for telling tales ...

    vibrant life in your language teaching. Storytelling builds confidence, develops language skills, encourages speaking and listening fluency, and increases ...

  19. Digital Play. Computer games and language aims

    Digital Play is a pioneering book on the use of computer games in language teaching, in which the authors share their expertise in training teachers in ...


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    1 июн. 2016 г. — Читать онлайн книгу «Молодежь о проблемах изучения иностранных языков в современном мире» автора Коллектива авторов полностью на сайте или ...

  2. Читать книгу: «Lectures on Language, as Particularly ...

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  3. Читать книгу: «Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule», страница 7

    Hörverstehen in der jeweiligen Zielsprache bzw. in den jeweiligen Zielsprachen. Die rezeptive Kompetenz wird nach den Niveaustufen des GERS definiert. Die ...

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  6. Читать онлайн «Getting Languages Easier to Learn. The ...

    The book aims to support beginners in language learning and to encourage them to become proficient in speaking skills. Advanced language ...

  7. Читать книгу: «Content and Language Integrated Learning ...

    Considering both input and output hypotheses, language learning is then seen as a social process guided by interaction and fostered by cognition.

  8. Читать онлайн «Труды IV Республиканской научно- ...

    Acceptance and recognition of differences is one of the key principles of building mutual respect. In the world of education many people find it ...

  9. How to teach english to spanish speakers

    his resource book examines straightforward teaching procedures, underlying pedagogy and fundamental principles of teaching English, and includes a ...

  10. Позитивные изменения. Образование. Школа будущего ...

    As soon they become subjects, the question of "hard” and "soft” skills will fade away by itself. It doesn't matter what to teach, it matters who to teach. And ...


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