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    Planned by the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Writing task is the main line of this book. It synthesizes language ...

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    Уровень: B1. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and ...

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    ... language, balanced skills foundation and confidence-boosting exam support they need to use English successfully in the 21st century. - Easy-to-teach units ...

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    ... language, balanced skills foundation and confidence-boosting exam support they need to use English successfully in the 21st century. - Easy-to-teach units ...

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    Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language ... Teaching support resources, including a ...

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    Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and video, and ...

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  12. Close-Up New B1+ Student's Book with Online Practice ...

    Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language ... Teaching support resources, including a ...

  13. Deepesh Kumar Thakur "Importance of English Language ...

    For any professional and technical education, the practical means is to close contact with the prevailing system in an organization, which has a great ...

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  15. New Close-up. A2. Student's Book

    Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language and life skills teenagers need to succeed in ...

  16. New Close-up. A2. Workbook. McElmuray Phillip

    Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language and life skills teenagers need to succeed in international ...

  17. Close-Up 2Ed A1+ WB & Online WB. McElmuray Phillip

    With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close-up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 ...

  18. New Close-up. B1+. Student's Book with Online Practice ...

    Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language and life skills teenagers need to succeed in international ...

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  1. Вячеслав Анатольевич Егоров - Тринадцатое лицо
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    Список книг похожих на «Тринадцатое лицо» Вячеслава Анатольевича Егорова: читать в электронной библиотеке Литрес или скачать в форматах fb2, txt, epub, ...

  2. Читать книгу: «The Unknown Tsesarevitch. ...

    Judging from his knowledge of the komi-permyak language, he had close contacts with the locals and knew their life, rituals and traditions. As a child, I ...

  3. Читать книгу: «English vocabulary in context», страница 2

    Читать онлайн книгу «English vocabulary in context» автора Asya Gann полностью на сайте или через приложение ЛитРес: Читай и Слушай. Страница 2.

  4. Читать онлайн «14000 Words Identical in Russian and ...

    This book is called “14,000 words the same in Russian and English”, but this book contains not only the same words in two languages, but also very similar words ...

  5. Читать онлайн «Manual of comparative linguistics

    There is a presupposition that genetic relationship of two languages can be proved by discovering of look-alike lexemes of so called basic vocabulary and by ...

  6. Читать онлайн «10 000 words identical in Russian and ...

    1) Words are completely identical in spelling in both languages. For example Sport – спорт. · 2) Without -а/-я. · 3) А → S. · 4) А →/ эй / – Words are similar in ...

  7. Читать онлайн «Изучаем английский язык. ...

    Читать онлайн книгу «Изучаем английский язык. Читаем англоязычную литературу» автора И. И. Игнатенко полностью на сайте или через приложение ЛитРес: Читай и ...

  8. Читать онлайн «Getting Languages Easier to Learn. The ...

    The book aims to support beginners in language learning and to encourage them to become proficient in speaking skills. Advanced language ...

  9. Read the book: «Finno-Ugric peoples. Languages, Migration ...

    Finno-Ugric languages (or Finno-Ugric languages) are a group of languages that are closely related to the Samoyed languages and together with the latter form a ...

  10. Читать онлайн «Super English Course – Speak like a native

    It is something that makes you free and helps you finally become a confident English speaker. The vocabulary lesson gives you that freedom of choice we all want ...


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