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Где купить дешево книгу Listening Course in American English, Новик H.А., 2006

  1. Audio CD. Interchange. Level 1. Class Audio CDs
    Купить книгу в интернет магазине Мегамаркет

    Interchange is a four-level, American English course that has been used by over 50 million students worldwide. These class audio CDs contain all of the audio ...

  2. American English in Mind Starter Student's Book with DVD- ...

    American English in Mind Starter Student's Book with DVD-ROM features 16 units. Thought-provoking reading, listening, speaking, and writing topics motivate ...

  3. American English in Mind 3 Workbook - купить в ООО

    The Workbook can be used both in the classroom and at home. Listening exercises utilize audio tracks found on the DVD-ROM accompanying the Student's Book.

  4. Канцтовары
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  5. American English in Mind 1. Student's Book with DVD-ROM
    Купить книгу в интернет магазине Яндекс Маркет

    Thought-provoking reading, listening, speaking, and writing topics motivate teenage students of American English. Content-rich photostories and dialogues ...

  6. Active Listening 3. Expanding Understanding through Content ...

    ... Listening series, a three-level listening course in North American English that draws on recent research in comprehension. This intermediate to high ...

  7. American English in Mind Starter Student's Book with DVD- ...

    Thought-provoking reading, listening, speaking, and writing topics motivate teenage students of American English. Content-rich photostories and dialogues ...

  8. American English in Mind Starter Workbook

    American English in Mind is an integrated, four-skills course for beginner to advanced teenage learners of American English. The American English in Mind ...

  9. Audio CD. Interchange. Level 2. Class Audio CDs (3)

    Interchange is a four-level, American English course that has been used by over 50 million students worldwide. These class audio CDs contain all of the audio ...

  10. Learning To Listen 3 SB

    But above all, Learning to Listen helps students to enjoy the richness and variety of spoken English. Learning to Listen, for adult and young adult learners of ...

  11. Connect 2Ed 4 SB +D - Самоучители

    Connect is a fun, four-level, multi-skills American English course especially written and designed for young adolescents. ... The Audio CD includes the Vocabulary ...

  12. Teaching Pronunciation with Audio CDs. A Course Book and ...

    ... American English, as well as new practices in pronunciation pedagogy. Audio CDs with additional examples are now packaged with the book. Key features ...

  13. American Headway 1. Workbook and iChecker Pack

    Still the world's most trusted adult English course - American Headway Third Edition combines a perfectly-balanced syllabus with more conversation, ...

  14. Let's Talk 2Ed 3 TM +D - Самоучители

    Let's Talk Second Edition is a fully revised edition of Let's Talk, the successful speaking and listening course that takes students from a high-beginning ...

  15. Teaching Pronunciation with Audio CDs. A Course Book and ...

    Teaching Pronunciation with Audio CDs. A Course Book and Reference Guide. 2nd Edition | Celce-Mercia Marianne — купить сегодня c доставкой и гарантией по ...

  16. New Interchange-3 Workbook - купить книгу с доставкой ...
    Купить книгу в интернет магазине Читай-город

    "New Interchange" is the second edition of "Interchange", one of the world's most successful English courses for adult and young adult learners at the beginning ...

  17. Connect Second Edition 4 Student's Book with Audio CD

    Connect, Second Edition, is a fun, four-level, multi-skills American English course especially written and designed for young adolescents. Connect Student's ...

  18. Richards "Interchange Intro Student's Book"

    The course has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent approaches to language teaching and learning. It remains the innovative series teachers and ...

  19. Students Book Unlock 5 Reading Writing & Critical Thinking

    Название книги: Unlock 5. Listening, Speaking & Critical Thinking. Student's Book, Mob App and Online Workbook with Downloadable Audio and Video ...


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Ниже показаны результаты поиска известных поисковых систем. В результатах могут быть показаны как эта книга, так и похожие на нее по названию или автору.

  1. Читать книгу: «Basic Armenian in Dialogues. 100 ...
    Купить электронную книгу в интернет магазине Литрес

    The book consists of the dialogues in English and Armenian, word-for-word transliteration and translation as well as some explanatory notes. Each topic is ...

  2. Бесплатная практика английского языка и точка. G.

    A1 get up phrasal verb to stand up after sitting, lying, etc. SYNONYM rise /raɪz/. SYNONYMS AT stand /stænd/. Я: Класс встал, когда вошла учительница. Г ...

  3. Читать онлайн «Unlocking Spanish with Paul Noble: Your ...

    People who haven't listened to one of Paul Noble's audio courses. Who ... English. And, in fact, these are by no means isolated examples ...

  4. Читать онлайн «Труды IV Республиканской научно- ...

    ... English through listening and reading. Students have different learning styles, even healthy ones. For this reason, teachers are advised ...

  5. Читать книгу: «My Discovery of England», страница 8

    X. Have the English any Sense of Humour? It was understood that the main object of my trip to England was to find out whether the British people have any sense ...

  6. Читать онлайн «Passages from the English Notebooks ...

    It is exclusively American society: four shipmasters, and a doctor from Pennsylvania, who has been travelling a year on the Continent, and who seems to be a man ...

  7. Читать книгу: «An English Girl's First Impressions of Burmah

    Of course the most important element of life in Rangoon, in fact in all Burmah, is the Gymkhana. Apparently, the European population in Rangoon exists ...

  8. Читать онлайн «Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality

    CHAPTER 13. RESIDENCE. RF. – Hello, Mr. President! – Kalinkin was courteous and emphatically calm. He was comfortably seated in an armchair ...

  9. Читать книгу: «The Shadow Project», страница 2

    Up on the low stage, Dr Adam O'Connor smiled from the podium, thanked them all for listening and started gathering up his notes. People rose from their ...

  10. Читать книгу: «French and English: A Story of the Struggle ...

    Lord Howe, with Stark and Rogers and Fritz for companions, lay upon his bearskin overlooking Fritz's diagrams of the fort, taken in past days, listening to what ...


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