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  3. Mathematics = Математика. Textbook. Павлушков И.В.

    The textbook presents a course of mathematics that includes basic elementary functions, diff erential calculus of functions of one variable, elements of ...

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    What is an imaginary number? Can two parallel lines ever meet? How can maths help us predict the future? All will be revealed and explained in this encyclopedia ...

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  7. Computational mathematics. Tutorial / Вычислительная ...

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  8. Система быстрого счета по Трахтенбергу. Катлер Энн

    Издательство: RUGRAM ; Оригинальное название: THE TRACHTENBERG SPEED SYSTEM OF BASIC MATHEMATICS ; Год издания: 2021 ; Cерия: ЁЁ Медиа ; Авторы/составители: Катлер ...

  9. Mathematics. Textbook

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    This book will teach you how to find and effectively correct your missed data in mathematics and how to apply some simple and effective exercises that will ...

  2. How to significantly improve understanding of the basics ...

    Сервис электронных книг ЛитРес предлагает скачать книгу How to significantly improve understanding of the basics of mathematics in a very short time.

  3. Basic Maths For Dummies», Colin Beveridge

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  4. How to significantly improve understanding of the basics ...

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  5. рецензии на книгу Igor Kazarinov, рейтинг в библиотеке ...

    ... How to significantly improve understanding of the basics of mathematics in a very short time. + Video drills.

  6. Principles of Mathematics», Vladimir Lepetic

    Сервис электронных книг ЛитРес предлагает скачать книгу «Principles of Mathematics», Vladimir Lepetic в pdf или читать онлайн.

  7. Basic Maths Practice Problems For Dummies

    Learn to: Master maths with more than 2,000 practice questions Add, subtract, multiply and divide with confidence Work with decimals, fractions and ...

  8. A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every ...

    Сервис электронных книг ЛитРес предлагает скачать книгу «A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know», Matthew Leitch в ...

  9. Книги, похожие на «Principles of Mathematics», Vladimir ...

    Список книг похожих на «Principles of Mathematics» Vladimir Lepetic: читать в электронной библиотеке Литрес или скачать в форматах fb2, txt, epub, pdf.

  10. Читать онлайн «Популярно о конечной математике и ее ...

    The only reason for rejection is the statement of Associate Editor that «The paper is not of sufficient mathematical quality to warrant ...


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