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      Dayton frankly detested these topics. He was full of that old Middle Victorian persuasion that whatever is inconvenient or disagreeable to the English mind ...

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      For he that is dead is freed from sin. Romans 6:7. Contents. Title Page Dedication Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six ...

    3. Louisa May Alcott : Her Life, Letters, and Journals

      June, July, August, 1875.–Kept house at home, with two Irish incapables to trot after, and ninety-two guests in one month to entertain. Fame is an expensive ...

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      David stood in the elevator booth and looked at the changing numbers – “7, 6, 5”. He had just given the keys to the owner of the apartment, and he was very ...

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      This book is dedicated to Desire Senior Editor Lucia Macro, with much thanks for letting me play in the nineteenth century! And thanks go to Judy Ann Newton for ...

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      As Jennifer was making her way out of the Criminal Courts Building on her way to lunch, she passed the open door of a deserted courtroom. She could not resist ...

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