Web Services, Principles and Technology, Papazoglou M.P., 2008

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Web Services, Principles and Technology, Papazoglou M.P., 2008.

   One distinguishing feature of this book is that the technologies and standards that make up the Web services concept are examined in the context of a running example involving a non-trivial order management scenario. The running example is used to enhance readers’ understanding and add insight to the theoretical exposure and explanation of the concepts. In this book I adopt a progressive disclosure approach as I follow the running example continuously and add to it the layers of Web services technologies and standards. It is also used in the context of service-oriented architectures and services design and in the development sections of the book.

Web Services, Principles and Technology, Papazoglou M.P., 2008

What are Web services?
A Web service is a self-describing, self-contained software module available via a network, such as the Internet, which completes tasks, solves problems, or conducts transactions on behalf of a user or application. Web services constitute a distributed computer infrastructure made up of many different interacting application modules trying to communicate over private or public networks (including the Internet and Web) to virtually form a single logical system.

A Web service can be: (i) a self-contained business task, such as a funds withdrawal or funds deposit service; (ii) a full-fledged business process, such as the automated purchasing of office supplies; (iii) an application, such as a life insurance application or demand forecasts and stock replenishment; or (iv) a service-enabled resource, such as access to a particular back-end database containing patient medical records. Web services can vary in function from simple requests (e.g., credit checking and authorization, pricing enquiries, inventory status checking, or a weather report) to complete business applications that access and combine information from multiple sources, such as an insurance brokering system, an insurance liability computation, an automated travel planner, or a package tracking system.

Part I Basics.
Chapter 1: Web services basics.
Part II Enabling infrastructure.
Chapter 2: Distributed computing infrastructure.
Chapter 3: Brief overview of XML.
Part III Core functionality and standards.
Chapter 4: SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol.
Chapter 5: Describing Web services.
Chapter 6: Registering and discovering Web services.
Part IV Event notification and service-oriented architectures.
Chapter 7: Addressing and notification.
Chapter 8: Service-oriented architectures.
Part V Service composition and service transactions.
Chapter 9: Processes and workflows.
Chapter 10: Transaction processing.
Part VI Service security and policies.
Chapter 11: Securing Web services.
Chapter 12: Service policies and agreements.
Part VII Service semantics and business protocols.
Chapter 13: Semantics and Web services.
Chapter 14: Business protocols.
Part VIII Service design and development.
Chapter 15: Web services development lifecycle.
Part IX Service management.
Chapter 16: Web services management.
Part X Emerging trends.
Chapter 17: Recent trends and developments.

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