Elementary Language Practice is the reference and practice book for students at elementary / A2 level. Now in full colour, this new edition retains all the original features which make the Language Practice series so popular, including clear grammar explanations, plenty of practice and regular review units. Themed vocabulary units contextualize essential elementary level words and phrases, offering a variety of exercise types to help students understand and use the new vocabulary. The accompanying CD-ROM includes extra practice for all the units covered in the book, with exercises based on international computer-based test types. The test generator includes 1,000 items to test students on all areas covered by the book.

Present continuous: future use.
We can use the present continuous when we talk about arrangements for the future and give a time. Arrangements are plans, but we are sure they will happen. We often write them in our diaries.
My parents are buying me a bike for my birthday. (I’m sure about this.)
Vm going to the doctors on Friday. (It’s fixed. I have an appointment.).
‘Are you doing anything on SaturdayV Tm having a party! (It’s fixed. I’ve invited my friends.)
‘What are you doing tomorrowV Tm staying at home and studying!
Grammar starter test.
Grammar 1 Present simple of be am, is, are.
Grammar 2 Present simple: affirmative; frequency adverbs I like, she plays; always, usually.
Grammar 3 Present simple: negative and questions I don’t like. Do you walk?.
Grammar 4 Present continuous: affirmative I’m waiting.
Grammar 5 Present continuous: negative and questions I’m not waiting. Is he waiting?.
Grammar 6 Present continuous and present simple I am watching; I watch.
Checkpoint 1 Units 1-6.
Grammar 7 Past simple (regular verbs): affirmative I watched.
Grammar 8 Past simple (regular verbs): negative and questions I didn’t start; did you start?.
Grammar 9 Past simple (irregular verbs): affirmative I went.
Grammar 10 Past simple (irregular verbs): negative and questions We didn’t go. Did you go?.
Grammar 11 Past simple of be I was, you were.
Grammar 12 Past continuous: all forms I was eating. He wasn’t eating. Were you eating?.
Checkpoint 2 Units 7-12.
Grammar 13 Past continuous and past simple I was watching TV when Paul phoned.
Grammar 14 Past habits: used to I used to play tennis.
Grammar 15 Present perfect: affirmative I’ve lost my watch.
Grammar 16 Present perfect: negative and questions I haven’t visited China. Have you started?.
Grammar 17 Present perfect and past simple He’s left. He left at 8.00.
Grammar 18 Present perfect and past simple: time expressions ever, just, yet, already, since, for, ago.
Checkpoint 3 Units 13-18.
Grammar 19 Be going to: plans and predictions It's going to rain.
Grammar 20 Will: predictions I’ll be late.
Grammar 21 Will: promises, decisions, refusing I’ll see you at 7.30.
Grammar 22 Will or going to?.
Grammar 23 Present continuous: future use.
Grammar 24 Future time words.
Checkpoint 4 Units 19-24.
Grammar 25 Reported speech and past perfect She said that she was leaving. I had started.
Grammar 26 Passive 1 a lot of money is spent.
Grammar 27 Passive 2: agent Peter was kidnapped by aliens.
Grammar 28 Imperatives Stand up!.
Grammar 29 Gerunds Jogging is good fun!.
Grammar 30 Contractions I’m, you’re, he’s.
Checkpoint 5 Units 25-30.
Grammar 31 Zero conditional and conditional 1 If I have a cold, I stay at home. If we miss the bus, we’ll be late.
Grammar 32 Conditional 2 If I knew the answer, I would tell them.
Grammar 33 Conditionals 1 and 2 If you fall, you’ll hurt yourself. If you fell, you’d hurt yourself.
Grammar 34 Yes/по questions and short answers Did I pass the test? Yes, you did.
Grammar 35 Wh- questions; subject and object questions Who is that? What eats fish?.
Grammar 36 Tag questions You like chips, don’t you?.
Checkpoint 6 Units 31-36.
Grammar 37 Modals: ability and possibility can, can’t, cannot.
Grammar 38 Modals: obligation must, have to, should.
Grammar 39 Modals: negative obligation mustn’t, don’t have to, shouldn’t.
Grammar 40 Modals: past could, couldn’t, had to, didn’t have to.
Grammar 41 Modals: possibility, uncertainty, impossibility, certainty might, may, could, can’t, must.
Grammar 42 Modals: main points.
Checkpoint 7 Units 37-42.
Grammar 43 Plural nouns glasses, potatoes, families, knives, feet, sheep.
Grammar 44 Countable and uncountable nouns 1 a, an, some, any.
Grammar 45 Countable and uncountable nouns 2 a coffee / some coffee.
Grammar 46 much, many.
Grammar 47 too much, too many, enough.
Grammar 48 Numbers one, first, 1/2, 1.5.
Checkpoint 8 Units 43-48.
Grammar 49 Prepositions of place and movement in, on, at, to, into.
Grammar 50 Prepositions and adverbials of place and position inside, outside, out of, near, opposite, next to, in front of, behind.
Grammar 51 Articles 1 a/an, the.
Grammar 52 Articles 2: zero article.
Grammar 53 Pronouns 1 I, me, mine, this, one.
Grammar 54 Pronouns 2 somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, none, nothing.
Checkpoint 9 Units 49-54.
Grammar 55 Possession 1 This is my bike.
Grammar 56 Possession 2 Jane’s house; the roof of the house.
Grammar 57 Adjectives.
Grammar 58 Order of adjectives; adjectives with -ed or -ing happy, rich and famous; tired, tiring.
Grammar 59 Making comparisons 1: comparative adjectives Lisa is older than Clara.
Grammar 60 Making comparisons 2: superlative adjectives She is the fastest runner.
Checkpoint 10 Units 55-60.
Grammar 61 Adverbs: formation and position Jim wrote quickly.
Grammar 62 It and there as subjects.
Grammar 63 Have, have got, get.
Grammar 64 Make, do, go; phrasal verbs go shopping; look it up.
Grammar 65 Verbs with prepositions, gerund or infinitive.
Grammar 66 Be with adjectives and prepositions.
Checkpoint 11 Units 61-66.
Grammar 67 Functions 1: advice, agreeing/disagreeing, apologizing, replying.
Grammar 68 Functions 2: descriptions, directions, excuses, greetings.
Grammar 69 Functions 3: asking for information, invitations, offers, permission.
Grammar 70 Functions 4: preferences, promises, reminders, requesting, suggesting, warning.
Grammar 71 Calendar.
Grammar 72 Time.
Checkpoint 12 Units 67-72.
Grammar 73 Punctuation.
Grammar 74 Spelling 1.
Grammar 75 Spelling 2.
Grammar 76 Spellings.
Grammar 77 Prefixes, suffixes, phrasal verbs, compound words.
Checkpoint 13 Units 73-77.
Vocabulary 1 Personal details.
Vocabulary 2 Family matters.
Vocabulary 3 Free time.
Vocabulary 4 Rooms.
Vocabulary 5 Places.
Vocabulary 6 Jobs.
Vocabulary 7 Inside the house.
Vocabulary 8 Food and drink.
Vocabulary 9 Animals.
Vocabulary 10 Clothes.
Vocabulary 11 Weather.
Vocabulary 12 The body.
Vocabulary 13 Staying healthy.
Vocabulary 14 The world around us.
Vocabulary 15 Transport.
Vocabulary 16 Useful things.
Vocabulary 17 Other countries.
Vocabulary 18 In the classroom.
Vocabulary 19 Going out.
Vocabulary 20 Shopping around.
Formation rules.
Irregular verbs.
Grammar index.
Grammar answers.
Vocabulary answers.
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