Фрагмент из книги.
Look and read. Write yes or no.
A girl is looking at the horse.
There is a bird on the wall.
Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
What is Jill’s new teacher’s name?
How many children are in Jill’s class?
1 What is the name оf the school?
2 Which is Jill’s classroom?
3 What is the teacher’s favourite song?
4 How many computers are there in the classroom?
5 What is the frog’s name?
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Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык
Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
Следующие учебники и книги:
- Cambridge English, Starters 9, Students Book, 2015
- Gateway 2nd edition A2 Workbook, Spencer D., Edwards L., 2016
- Starters 1, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2018
- Starters 2, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2018
Предыдущие статьи:
- Gateway 2nd edition B1 Workbook, Spencer D., Edwards L., 2016
- Pre A1 Starters Mini Trainer, Two practice tests without answers, 2019
- Gateway 2nd edition B2 Workbook, Treloar F., Holley G., 2016
- Wider World, Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., 2018