We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As writers, it is always a privilege to be invited to ‘have another go’ and we are grateful to our publisher Pearson for giving us this opportunity. At the same time, we are particularly wary of introducing change for change’s sake. ’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a maxim we set great store by. In our own classrooms, we are still using ideas and teaching techniques that we learnt early on in our careers. Why? Because they still work.

Generation X created the Internet. When they were teenagers, mobile phones were enormous, and not many people had computers at home. They had to deal with big changes in technology. But this generation is adventurous and adaptable – they are not afraid of change. Now they use wearable technology to stay fi t and healthy. Generation X believe in looking after themselves and staying young.
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- Focus 1, Students Book, 2020 — We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As … Книги по английскому языку
- Focus 1, Teachers Book, Reilly P., Trapnell B., Tkacz A., Grodzicka A., Michalowski B., 2020 — We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As … Книги по английскому языку
- Wider World 1, Students Book, Hastings B., McKinlay S., 2017 — Wider World is the portal to a wider world of English language knowledge and resources specially designed for teenage learners. … Книги по английскому языку
- Wider World 2, Students Book, Hastings B., McKinlay S., 2017 — Wider World is the portal to a wider world of English language knowledge and resources specially designed for teenage learners. … Книги по английскому языку
- Focus 2, Teachers Book, Reilly P., Grodzicka A., Tkacz A., Michalwski B., Bandis A., Russell D., 2020 — We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As … Книги по английскому языку
- Wider World 3, Student Book, Barraclough C., Gaynor S., 2016 — Wider World is the portal to a wider world of English language knowledge and resources specially designed for teenage learners. … Книги по английскому языку
- Wider World 4, Student Book, Gaynor S., Alevizos K., Barraclough C., 2016 — Wider World is the portal to a wider world of English language knowledge and resources specially designed for teenage learners. … Книги по английскому языку
- The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, Twelfth Edition, Kaufman L., Straus J., 2021 — Now in its twelfth edition, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation will help you write and speak with con … Книги по английскому языку