A Communicative Grammar of English is a new kind of grammar. In writing it, we have assumed that studying grammar, for the overseas student, makes most sense if one starts with the question ‘How can I use grammar to communicate?’. Thus the main part of the book is devoted to the uses of grammar, rather than to grammatical structure.
The book is intended primarily for the fairly advanced student, for example the first-year university student. If you are such a student you will have studied English grammar in one form or another already, but here we offer you a hew perspective on the subject, which relates grammatical structure systematically to meanings, uses and situations. In this way we hope you will improve and extend the range of your communicative skill in the language. The book also supplies the essential information about grammatical forms and structures which you will need, and can therefore be used as a general reference book or sourcebook on English grammar.

Information, reality and belief.
Statements, questions and responses.
Why do we need to use language? Probably the most important reason (but not the only one) is that we wish to give someone some piece of information which we think he doesn’t know about, statements (see 799) are typically sentences which give information, questions (see 777-81, 800) are typically sentences by which someone asks his hearer to give information. In this section, we shall discuss the ways in which information is given and revived and we shall also consider people’s attitudes to information, and the reality it deals with. This means considering such notions as truth, hypothesis, belief, probability, etc.
To the student.
To the teacher.
Note on phonetic symbols.
Part One Varieties of English.
Part Two Intonation.
Part Three Grammar in use.
Part Four Grammatical Compendium.
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