Фрагмент из книги.
Today most of us are pretty used to the moon. There it is in the sky — crescent or half or full... Years ago people lived by the changing phases of the moon. They kept calendars and holidays by the moon. They planted seed in the spring’s new moon and harvested in the autumn’s full moon. And fishermen all over the world told the morrow’s weather by the moon.

Copy the sentences filling in the necessary articles (a/an or the) in the right places.
1. Young in Europe like American music. 2. She was wearing old hat. 3. Religions teach that people with money should give some to poor. 4. We have deaf dog, it’s very old. 5. Young cow is called calf. 6. She threw away old shoes. 7. Old should be taken care of. 8. Young baby sleeps a great deal. 9. Blind man had dog to help him. 10. She is very poor swimmer. 11. Rich are often powerful because of their money. 12. What do you think of help that’s given to blind?
Complete the sentences using the adverbs in brackets in the right place.
1. Mrs Connoly went downstairs (slowly). 2. Ruth looked in the box (carefully). 3. The two brothers say they work at home (best). 4. Jane practises playing the piano (every afternoon, there). 5. The little girl was crying in her room (loudly). 6. The children antagonized their neighbours by playing music (loudly, yesterday). 7. Mothers complain that their children don’t appreciate them (sometimes, always). 8. The boys ran at the approach of a policeman (quickly, upstairs). 9. The children played table tennis in the gym (hardly ever, last summer). 10. John said he would be meeting Belinda on Saturday (definitely).
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Хештеги: #рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Афанасьева :: #Михеева :: #8 класс
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