Excel for Kazakhstan is a task-based English course of five levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference and designed for learners studying English at CEFR levels A1 to low-rnid B1.
Excel for Kazakhstan develops all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items. Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in meaningful, everyday and cross-cultural contexts), holistic (encouraging the creative collective use of students' brains as well as the linguistic analytical use of their brains) and humanistic (acquiring and practising language through pleasant tasks and topics, paying attention to their needs, feelings and desires) ways of learning.

Steven, basketball mascot Do you like basketball?
Then you can be a basketball mascot like me. I'm a mascot for the Temple University team. I entertain the fans at matches and other events. I wear a red owl costume and do silly things. I slide across the court, throw sweets to the fans and celebrate when my team scores. I have to be creative to think 1 of different ideas to entertain the fans, i And l have to do all this in silence -1 can't speak a word. I love the work and it's well-paid, but it's tiring. Luckily, I only work part-time!
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Хештеги: #Evans :: #Dooley :: #Obee :: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #5 класс :: #Казахстан :: #книги на английском языке
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