Spotlight 11 is a course for learners of the English language at CEF B2 level. The course combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.

The nervous system.
The nervous system is the control centre of the body. It consists of the brain, the spinal cord, which runs from the brain and down through your backbone, and a gigantic network of nerves.
The brain is like the central computer for the nervous system. It receives messages from different parts of the body, and then tells the body how to react. If you touch a hot pan by accident, for example, the nerves in your skin form a message of pain. The message gets passed on through the nerves in the spinal cord to the nerves in the brain. The brain takes this message, translates it, then sends a message back telling the muscles to pull your hand away from the heat. This all happens in less than a second!
Module 1 - Relationships.
1a Reading Skills.
1b Listening & Speaking Skills.
1c Grammar in Use.
1d Literature.
1e Writing Skills.
Module 2 - Where there’s a will there’s a way.
2a Reading Skills.
2b Listening & Speaking Skills.
2c Grammar in Use.
2d Literature.
2e Writing Skills.
Module 3 - Responsibility.
3a Reading Skills.
3b Listening & Speaking Skills.
3c Grammar in Use.
3d Literature.
3e Writing Skills.
Module 4 - Danger!.
4a Reading Skills.
4b Listening & Speaking Skills.
4c Grammar in Use.
4d Literature.
4e Writing Skills.
Module 5 - Who are you?.
5a Reading Skills.
5b Listening & Speaking Skills.
5c Grammar in Use.
5d Literature.
5e Writing Skills.
Module 6 - Communication.
6a Reading Skills.
6b Listening & Speaking Skills.
6c Grammar in Use.
6d Literature.
6e Writing Skills.
Module 7 - In days to come.
7a Reading Skills.
7b Listening & Speaking Skills.
7c Grammar in Use.
7d Literature.
7e Writing Skills.
Module 8 - Travel.
8a Reading Skills.
8b Listening & Speaking Skills.
8c Grammar in Use.
8d Literature.
8e Writing Skills.
Word Perfect & Grammar Check.
Spotlight on Russia.,
Song Sheets.
Grammar Reference Section.
Irregular Verbs.
Study Skills.
Word List.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Афанасьева :: #Дули :: #Михеева :: #Эванс :: #Оби :: #11 класс
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