This book is aimed at non-native researchers of any discipline who use English to carry out their work. The main emphasis is on writing research papers. The book is designed for self-study or use in a classroom.

Present tenses.
present, present continuous
1. I know / am knowing you must be very busy but.
2. I look / am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.
3. I promise / am promising I’ll have it back to you by the end of this week.
4. I realize / am realizing you must be very busy at the moment but.
5. I write / am writing to tell you that unfortunately I no longer have the time to.
6. I thank / am thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
7. I really look / am really looking forward to going on holiday this year.
8. Do I make / Am I making myself clear?
9. Anyway the reason I call / am calling is...
10. As requested, I send / am sending you the paper with the changes tracked.
11. I currently work / am currently working on a paper that I would like to submit to...
12. I expect / am expecting a Professor Tschaida at 7.00. Could you call me when he arrives?
13. So basically I ask / am asking you two things. First,... And second...
14. So what I say / am saying is...
15. Sorry, who do I speak to / am I speaking to? I didn’t catch your name.
1 Nouns: plurals, countable versus uncountable, etc.
2 Genitive: the possessive form of nouns.
3 Indefinite article (a / an), definite article (the), and zero article (Ø).
4 Quantifiers: some, any, little, few, a lot of, lots, much, many.
5 Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whose, what.
6 Present tenses.
7 Past tenses.
8 Future tenses.
9 Conditional forms: zero, first, second, third, mixed.
10 Passive versus active: impersonal versus personal forms.
11 Infinitive, -ing form (gerund), suggest, recommend.
12 Modal verbs.
13 Phrasal verbs.
14 Word order.
15 Comparative and superlative forms.
16 Numbers.
17 Acronyms and abbreviations.
18 Titles.
19 Abstracts.
20 Introduction and review of the literature.
21 Materials and methods.
22 Results.
23 Discussion.
24 Conclusions.
25 Abstract contrasted with conclusions.
26 Acknowledgements.
About the author.
Editing service.
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