Peter Pan is a little boy who refuses to grow up, and spends his time having magical adventures. Peter lives in the Neverland with his friends, The Lost Boys. The Lost Boys do not have a mother, so Peter invites Wendy Darling to The Neverland and asks her to be a mother for the Lost Boys. Wendy’s brothers, John and Michael, come to the Neverland with Wendy. The children have many adventures there. They save the fairy Tinker Bell, and they fight the dangerous Captain Hook. In the end, Wendy decides that the best place for her is at home. She brings all the boys back to London, and they live happily there. Wendy and the boys grow up, but what happens to Peter? Will he ever grow up?

The Darlings.
The Darling family lived in London. Mr Darling was a strict and serious man, but he loved his children very much. His wife was loving and sweet. There were three Darling children. Wendy was the oldest, then there was John, and last of all, there was Michael. The Darlings were not rich, but they wanted a nanny for their children. Luckily, they found Nana. Nana was perfect in every way. She loved the children and looked after them carefully. However, people stopped to stare when they saw the three children with their nanny. You see, Nana was a large yellow dog that the Darlings met in the park. Mr Darling worried that his neighbours might think she was strange, but Nana was the best nanny in London. She kept the children safe and she made them very happy. In fact, the Darling family was the happiest family in London until Peter Pan came.
The Darling children often dreamed of the magical land called the Neverland. They saw the strange land with its lagoons, caves and forests. The Neverland was different for each of the children. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sand. Michael lived in a wigwam, while Wendy lived in a house made of leaves sewn together. They all dreamed of Peter, however, especially Wendy. She knew that Peter often came to the children's room at night while they were asleep. When she told her mother about this, Mrs Darling did not believe her.
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