Next move 4, Students Book, Stannett K., Beddall F.

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Next move 4, Students Book, Stannett K., Beddall F.

Фрагмент из книги.
People in Britain and Ireland used to believe that, when people died, their souls stayed on Earth until All Saint’s Day. Halloween was the last time that these souls could get revenge on their enemies. For this reason, people wore costumes and masks so the souls couldn’t recognise them.

Next move 4, Students Book, Stannett K., Beddall F.

Oliver Cromwell.
These days Britain is one of the few countries in the world with a king or queen. 360 years ago, however, there wasn’t a royal ruler in Britain. Instead, there was Oliver Cromwell.

Cromwell was an ordinary farmer until he decided to become a politician at the age of 40. The king at that time was Charles I. Cromwell and the other politicians in Parliament kept complaining that his taxes were unfair, but Charles refused to listen. In 1642, a civil war started between Parliament and the king. Cromwell became the leader of the Parliamentarian soldiers. After many years, Parliament won the war and put Charles I in prison. In 1649, the king was executed.

Starter Unit.
Different Lives.
Aiming High.
Be Happy!.
Work For It.
Final Frontiers.
Brain Trainers.
Listening Bank.

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