This book is a three in one - grammar reference guide, error correction and phrasal verb book. It deals with the most common problematic areas amongst students of English as a Second Language. It starts off with basic errors common when using the present simple, past simple, present continuous and past continuous structures and gives a clear in depth explanation on how they are used. It then moves on to more complex tenses.

To Have or Not To Have.
Another frequent error is to make the verb ‘have’ become the negative in the present simple tense. We need to always remember that the present simple negative is ‘do not’ (don’t) or in third person singular, 'does not’ (doesn’t) as already mentioned above.
I haven’t a dog.
I don’t have a dog.
I don’t have a dog. ‘Have’ is an auxiliary verb as well as a verb. If we say, ‘I haven’t a dog’, we are using ‘have’ as an auxiliary and not as a verb, and so in this case, the verb is absent. We can also say ‘I haven’t got a dog’. In this case, ‘got’ is the verb and ‘have’ is the auxiliary verb but the question changes.
Have you got a dog?
Yes I have/no I haven’t.
Do you have a dog?
Yes I do/no I don’t.
Chapter one.
To Be or Not to Be.
Adjectives Associated With The Senses.
Present Simple V. P resent Continuous.
Chapter two.
Third Person Singular V. Third Person Plural.
Subject before Verb in the Affirmative.
Double Subject Error.
Omission of subject.
Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns.
When not to use a subject pronoun.
Subject before Verb in Questions.
Omission of Auxiliary Verb in Questions.
Subject and Object Pronoun Confusion.
Subject Question Error.
Like v. Would like.
Infinitive Of Purpose.
Chapter three.
Adverbs of Frequency.
Adjective or Adverb.
Adverbs Of Manner.
Adverbs Of Place.
Adverbs Of Time.
Adverbs Of Degree.
Chapter four.
To Have or Not To Have.
Errors When Forming Past Simple Negatives.
Past Simple Versus Past Progressive.
Non Existent Plural Adjectives.
Plural nouns standard and irregular.
Article Errors.
Wrong Usage.
The Genitive/Possessive.
Comparison Errors.
Chapter five.
Used to- Be used to- Get used to.
Be Used To Versus Get Used To.
Think and Hope Errors.
Countable or Uncountable.
Too - Too Much - Too Many.
Fewer versus Less.
Enough Errors.
Enough + Noun versus Adjective + Enough.
Both- Either- Neither.
Reflexive Errors.
Each Other Versus One Another.
Chapter six.
Errors when using Modal Auxiliary Verbs.
May versus Can and Could.
Shall and May.
Chapter seven.
Supposed to - Meant to - Should.
Chapter eight.
The Perfect Errors.
Present Perfect (1).
A time in your life before now.
Present Perfect (2).
Past to present.
Present Perfect (3).
Before now or right now.
Present Perfect Continuous (1).
In P rogress From Past To Present.
Present Perfect Continuous (2).
Until Recently.
Past Perfect Errors.
Past Perfect Continuous (1).
Past Perfect Continuous (2).
Chapter nine.
Conditional Errors.
First Conditional.
Second Conditional Errors.
Third Conditional Errors.
The Mixed Conditional.
Wish Errors.
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