English Grammar is a challenge to non-native English speakers. This book will be a self-learning one for them to practice English Grammar. There are more exercises given in every topic with answers so the learner can be well-versed. The topics covered are meant especially for developing proficiency in spoken English. Grammar is essential in any language to speak that fluently. By practising Grammar, one can be more perfect in that language. English is regarded as our language of communication in this digital era. So, it is mandatory to learn English and learn its Grammatical structure. This practice book will fulfill this purpose.

Pick out the adjectives and adverbs
1.I have been called several times.
2.They arrived late yesterday.
3.Every dog has its day.
4.The flight crashed at 8.30 p.m. yesterday.
5.He was sure of an easy victory.
6.She is a very smart girl.
7.Kasim asked a second question.
8.He is almost blind.
1.Kinds of Sentence.
2.Noun & its Kinds.
3.Pronoun & its Kinds.
4.Verb - Transitive & Intransitive.
5.Adjectives and Adverbs.
9.Question Tags.
10.Question Words.
11.Framing Questions.
12.Active and Passive Voice.
13.Direct and Indirect Speech.
14.Degrees of Comparison.
15.Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences.
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