Фрагмент из книги:
In this lesson, Ss discover what they know about unusual hobbies and use phrasal verbs to find out about each other’s spare-time activities. They then listen to unusual hobbies and study the use of auxiliary verbs in the listening. After practising how to pronounce echo questions, Ss complete the lesson by finding out what they have in common with their class colleagues.

How many friends?
In this lesson, Ss listen to someone talking about their friends. Through this context they study vocabulary for describing personality and practise pronunciation of ‘ea’. They also use different strategies for making friends with a stranger. Ss read about the importance of having lots of friends which provides the stimulus lor revision of the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses.
Cricket is one of the national sports of England and is played in many countries of the old British Empire (e.g. England, Australia, New Zealand. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, South Africa, West Indies), It is played by two teams of eleven players with a bat and ball and a target called a wicket. The game is considered to be about tour hundred years old and in recent years has expanded across the world so that it is now the second most widely played team sport in the world.
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