Recent developments in the pedagogical grammar of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) have played an important role in facilitating the teaching and learning of CFL grammar. Pedagogical grammar is based on the findings of theoretical grammar. It not only deals with the formal analysis of the structural properties but also describes the functional and pragmatic aspects of language use. Furthermore, it considers leamer-related factors. Yet, in order to provide the optimal learning conditions for students to develop grammatical awareness, teachers of Chinese must move their research agenda forward from pedagogical grammar to grammar pedagogy, that is, consider the pedagogical issues more systematically.
![Chinese Grammar Made Easy, A Practical and Effective Guide for Teachers, Bai J., 2009 Chinese Grammar Made Easy, A Practical and Effective Guide for Teachers, Bai J., 2009](/img/knigi/kitaiskiy/1509/150911.jpg)
This book addresses the following curricular and pedagogical questions: what are the best techniques to present grammar patterns clearly and effectively to learners at different stages of their learning process? What techniques should be employed to help learners practice grammar and word usage so that they can be effectively learned? How can teachers scaffold to engage learners to apply grammar rules meaningfully in communicative contexts? When and where should these grammar items be introduced and spiraled in a course of study? In the past four years we have led a team of teacher-researchers at the Chinese School of Middlebury College working on the above issues in a process-oriented action-research project, a systematic process of inquiry that helps CFL teachers understand more about the teaching and learning of Chinese grammar in a communicative context. This book came out of the three-year research project. According to the feedback that we have received, we are confident that this book is very useful for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. It is a research-based and user-friendly reference book. It also helps teachers reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching of grammar and make informed instructional decisions guided by sound pedagogical principles.
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #учебник по китайскому языку :: #китайский язык :: #Bai
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