Фрагмент из книги.
OK, so these are people from my English class. This is Lucia. She’s sixteen. She’s from Spain. This is Yuri. She’s from Japan. She’s thirty years old. This is Ahmed. He’s nineteen years old. He’s a university student from Saudi Arabia. This is Azra. She’s from Turkey. She’s eighteen years old. This is Petra. She’s from Serbia. She’s fifty years old. She's a doctor. And this is Marco. He’s an office worker. He’s forty years old and he’s from Spain.

1: Jack
My town is great. There are three cafés and two restaurants – a Spanish restaurant and a Japanese restaurant. And there is a supermarket and a bookshop.
2: Diana
In my town, there are three hotels, two restaurants and a cinema. There aren’t any supermarkets. There’s a market.
3: Yuki
This is my town. There aren't any shops and there aren't any restaurants. And there isn't a bank. There’s a train station, a park and a café.
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