Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1, 2020

Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
‘이나/나’ and ‘-거나’ connects two or more nouns, actions, or states to indicate the possibility of choosing from among them. ‘이나/나’ is used after nouns, and ‘-거나’ is used after verbs and adjectives. For consonant-final nouns, ‘이나’ is used, while ‘나’ is used for vowel-final nouns. The form ‘-거나’ is used for all verbs and adjectives.

Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1

Словарный указатель.
기념사진을 찍다 to take a commemorative picture
선물을 주다 to give a gift
초대하다/받다 to invite/be invited
축의금을 전달하다 to give 축의금(money as a gift)
축하 메시지를 보내다 to send a congratulatory message
축하 인사를 하다 to conglatulate
축하 카드를 쓰다 to write a congratulatory card
축하 파티를 하다 to have a celebration.

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2024-04-19 01:23:46