Фрагмент из книги:
89% of university students in the UK live away from home, and nearly half of them share a house with other students at some time during their studies But how do you know who to share with? It can be a difficult decision Are you quiet, serious, shy, and hard-working? Or are you extrovert, fun loving, and noisy? It's an important difference, and it can make sharing a house either a great experience or a nightmare.

In August 1883, a huge natural disaster happened in Indonesia on the small,little known,island of Krakatoa. The effects of this disaster were felt all around the world.
Krakatoa is an island volcano between the much larger islands of java and Sumatra In early 1883 Krakatoa started to become active There were earthquakes and a few small explosions Then, on 26th and 27th August, there were much larger explosions The fast one destroyed most of the island and was the biggest volcanic eruption of modern times.
More than 36 000 people died and 165 villages were destroyed People heard the noise of the explosion four hours later on the island of Rodriguez, more than 4,500 kilometres away Waves 40 metres high travelled across the sea from the island one reached the Middle East 12 hours later Windows broke 160 kilometres away Ash fell on ships at sea more than 6 000 kilometres away.
Who's who?.
Who knows you better?.
At the Moulin Rouge.
The Devil's Dictionary.
At the airport.
Right place, wrong time.
A moment in time.
Fifty years of pop.
One October evening.
At the conference hotel.
Where are you going.
The pessimist's phrase book.
I'll always love you.
I was only dreaming.
Restaurant problems.
From rags to riches.
Family conflicts.
Faster, faster!.
The world's friendliest city.
Lost in San Francisco.
Are you a party animal?.
What makes you feel good?.
How much can you learn in a month?.
The name of the game.
At a department store.
If something bad can happen, it will.
Never smile at a crocodile.
Decisions, decisions.
What should I do?.
At the pharmacy.
Famous fears and phobias.
Bom to direct.
I used to be a rebel.
The mothers of invention.
A boat trip.
I hate weekends.
How old is your body?.
Waking up is hard to do.
'I'm Jim.' 'So am I.'.
On the phone.
What a week!.
Then he kissed me.
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Хештеги: #учебник по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Oxenden :: #Latham-Koenig
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