В мире искусства, часть 1, Бабушкин A.П., Картавцев B.Н., 2016

В мире искусства, Часть 1, Бабушкин A.П., Картавцев B.Н., 2016.

   Методическая разработка предназначена для занятий по английскому языку со студентами направления «Искусства и гуманитарные науки», обучающимися на филологическом факультете университета.
Подобранные тексты носят информативный характер и прослеживают развитие зарубежной культуры со времени ее зарождения по сегодняшний день.
Каждый урок сопровождается комплексом упражнений, нацеленных на пополнение словарного запаса обучаемых, развитие навыков чтения и понимания учебных текстов, составление творческих высказываний по актуальным проблемам культурной жизни народов мира, в том числе и народа Соединенного Королевства.

В мире искусства, Часть 1, Бабушкин A.П., Картавцев B.Н., 2016

At the dawn of civilization there were no words, no alphabet, no books. Yet, early cave men found a way to communicate their hopes, their dreams and their victories. They told stories using art.

The very first cave paintings were discovered in 1896 in the Altamira Cave in Spain. These paintings dated back to 14,000 BC and showed a bison over 8 m long! This particular painting is called the Bisons of the Altamira Cave.

Later, archeologists discovered the paintings in the Hall of Bulls Cave in France. What was so interesting about this find was that it showed so many different kinds of animals. Each group of animals likely represents a hunt that was performed at a different time. It would seem as though they used this cave over and over again for artwork, with many different artists taking turns.

What is even more interesting is that a very long time ago, when cave men were alive, only a few very special people were allowed to create art. They were called Shaman or hunter-magicians. Early cave men believed that if they drew an animal on a wall, they would capture its spirit and the Shaman would be able to control the success of the hunt.

Пояснительная записка.
Unit 1. The Origins of Cave Painting.
Unit 2. Types of Writing.
Unit 3. Egyptian Art.
Unit 4. Greek Mythology’s Magical Creatures.
Unit 5. Christianity.
Unit 6. The Terms of the Artist.
Unit 7. The Renaissance.
Задание для самостоятельной работы.

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