Данная рукопись является новым олимпиадным пособием для 8-11 классов по английскому языку. Это пособие может стать настольной книгой каждого олимпиадника и учителя, который готовит к олимпиаде по английскому языку.

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A John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, published in the 1930s, is one of the author’s most widely read novels, largely due to its ubiquitous presence in the high school curriculum. As a result, this mythic story of two opposites - the clever, wiry George Milton and the lumbering, powerful Lennie Small - has assumed an important place in the American literary canon. The novel is deceptively simple - it is short and straight-forwardly written. But beneath this approachable surface Steinbeck explores mysterious and haunting themes, largely pivoting on the search for comfort, decency and companionship in a lonely, cruel world.
В Of Mice and Men was Steinbeck’s seventh novel. Though he had achieved critical and popular success with his two preceding novels, Tortilla Flat (1935) and In Dubious Battle (1936), Of Mice and Men was a success on another level altogether. The book was chosen as a Book-of-the-Month club selection and garnered Steinbeck the financial stability and creative confidence necessary for his embarkation on his subsequent novel, The Grapes of Wrath (1939), which continues to be viewed as the best work of his career.
C Steinbeck drew his inspiration for the work from his experience living and working as a "bindlestiff" - or itinerant farmhand - during the 1920s. In a 1937 interview in The New York Times, Steinbeck said that the character of Lennie was based on a mentally impaired man he met in his travels who was prone to episodes of uncontrollable rage. The central question of where or how such a man might fit into society drives the action of Of Mice and Men, and the rest of the characters in the book are developed largely in terms of their relationships to this enigmatic central figure.
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Скачать книгу Great Lengths, Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку, 15 вариантов, 300 заданий, Гулов А.П., 2020 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Гулов
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