If you are aged between 12 and lo and want to take Cambridge English: First for Schools (FCE), this book is for you!
This book is called Trainer' because it is full of exercises to help you get better and better at doing each part of Cambridge English: First for Schools.
So, complete all the exercises then do all the practice papers! If you train and work hard, you'll soon be ready to take Cambridge English: First for Schools.

Choose the correct word in each of the sentences.
1 Are you sure you studied os / sc hard as possible?
2 I've waited far too long already. I refuse to wait not / any longer.
3 I took so many / much risks because I was desperate to win the game.
4 Obafami had moved away from his home village when he was only five, but ten years later it looked exactly the same as / like before.
5 Welcome to your final, and most / more important, year of school.
6 Antonia was disappointed to have fewer / less money thar. she thought and so couldn't afford to go to the cinema.
Which sentence best summarises Hisanori's true feelings towards his sport?
A Hisanori is relieved that he can jump again.
В Hisanori enjoys trying to get better and better.
C Hisanori feels that his next jump will always be a better jump.
D Hisanori is worried he might get injured again.
Training and Exam Practice.
Test 1 Reading and Use of English.
Test 2 Reading and Use of English.
Practice Tests.
Test 3 Reading and Use of English.
Test 4 Reading and Use of English.
Test 5 Reading and Use of English.
Test 6 Reading and Use of English.
Teacher's notes & keys.
Practice test Keys Tests 3-6.
Sample answer sheets.
Speaking visuals.
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык
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