This fully updated and revised edition provides preparation and practice for candidates who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam. The material also provides opportunities for learners to develop their English on a broader level for success in the real world beyond the exam.
The units in this Student’s Book contain practice of exam-type tasks for each part of the exam. Vocabulary and grammar practice are also an integral part of the course. The Writing Guide and Grammar Reference at the back of the book provide additional support to consolidate the language and skills covered in the main units.

Into the wild.
Answer these questions.
a When was the last time you were in the doghouse? What had you done wrong?
b Can you remember the last time you felt like a fish out of water? How did you cope?
c Do brides-to-be in your country usually have a hen party? What do they do?
d Have you ever let the cat out of the bag about something important? What happened?
Name the tenses in italics in a-i.
a After the football match, we went to a bar, had a few drinks and celebrated our win.
b By the time the fitness trainer finally turned up, we had been waiting for half an hour.
c So you've been on the Atkins Diet? How was it?
d Inspector Lamas looked out the window. It was snowing and the streets were becoming icy.
e Karen' s put on a lot of weight recently.
f That's the best film I've seen in a long time.
g As the skier was racing downhill, his ski hit a stone and threw him off balance.
h Heavy fog delayed us, and by the time we reached the airport, our plane had taken off.
Farmers have been campaigning for more support from the government for years.
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