English Plus second edition is a four-level course for lower-secondary students. It will give students all the skills they need to communicate with confidence in English. The core material covers all the requirements of the secondary school curriculum in a clear unit structure, and the extensive Options section at the back of the book provides further variety and challenge. Extra material covering culture, CLIL, speaking and listening practice will motivate, interest and engage students, and also allow teachers to tailor the course to meet students’ different needs and abilities. This variety and flexibility extends to a wide range of supplementary material, carefully designed to build on work done in class and also to address different abilities.

Language focus.
Each unit of English Plus second edition has two or more Language focus sections. The syllabus divides grammatical points into manageable chunks to avoid overload, and so that students have time to assimilate and practise what they have learned.
New structures are always previewed in context, either in a listening or reading text, so that students are familiar with the meaning and usage of the grammar before manipulating its form. Students remember rules better if they work them out for themselves. Grammar is therefore presented in a guided-discovery way. Students are asked to analyse examples, based on the listening or reading text, and then they are encouraged to deduce rules. If necessary, these can be checked in the Language focus reference in the Workbook. This inductive method helps students to engage with the language, which in turn should help them to remember it.
Each Language focus section has an optional Grammar animation - either a short story or an animated presentation. These animations allow students to watch the grammar structures being used in context. They should be watched after the grammar presentation.
Introducing English Plus second edition.
Components of the course.
Student’s Book 2 at a glance.
Workbook 2 at a glance.
English Plus second edition methodology.
Evaluation and testing.
English Plus second edition Classroom Presentation Tool.
Student’s Book contents.
Teaching notes.
Starter unit.
Unit 1.
Unit 2.
Unit 3.
Unit 4.
Unit 5.
Unit 6.
Unit 7.
Unit 8.
English Plus Options.
Workbook answer key.
Student’s Book audio scripts.
Workbook audio scripts.
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